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Dep. Governor and CO’s Meeting highlights 2012/2013 Financial Statements

financial-statement-formsAt the 6th May 2013 Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting Chief Officers were asked “to ensure, through their CFO’s [Chief Financial Officer’s), that their 2012/2013 accounts are maintained. A Coordination Team consisting of Civil Servants will liaise with all government agencies and ensure that established timelines for carrying out the various accounting and financial reporting tasks are met.”

The full transcript of the Meeting follows:

Minutes of Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting 6th May 2013

Attendees:- Acting Deputy Governor – Mr. Eric Bush; Mrs. Mary Rodrigues; Mr. Stran Bodden; Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn; Mrs. Angela Piercy; Mr. Kevin McCormac; Mr. Samuel Rose; Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Mr. Wesley Howell

Apologies: – Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon; Mr. Leonard Dilbert; Mr. Kenneth Jefferson; Ms. Cheryl Richards; Mr. Alan Jones; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Ms. Dorine Whittaker

1.   Welcome

The Acting Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered.

2.   Formal Approval of Minutes

The April 29 meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation.

3.   Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

4.   Presentation –  Schedule of Training for New Government

Chief Officers were presented with the proposed Schedule of Training for the newly elected Government. Feedback was given.

5.   Preparation of CIG 2012/2013 Financial Statements

CO McLaughlin asked CO’s to ensure, through their CFO’s, that their 2012/2013 accounts are maintained. A Coordination Team consisting of Civil Servants will liaise with all government agencies and ensure that established timelines for carrying out the various accounting and financial reporting tasks are met.

6.   Any Other Business

. The Cayman Islands Cadet Corps will be hosting a fundraising event in the GAB. Funds raised from this event will go towards costs associated with their participation in the Annual Cadet Corps International Cadet Challenge, to be held in Barbados.

. CO’s were reminded to submit information for the Ministerial Briefing Notes, as soon as possible.

. Feed our Future Dress Down Day to be held on 10th May, 2013. A photo of all participants will be taken at 11:00am, at the main entrance of the GAB.

. CO Rodrigues provided a preview of a new Not-for-Profit organisation that has been established to assist with combatting youth crime.  A new High School programme is to be piloted in Government schools, in May/June. In addition to the Ministry of Education, various other government Ministries/agencies are being asked to partner. A full PR session is being prepared. CO’s are asked to provide feedback on draft MOU’s and service level agreements, as a matter of priority.

. Proud of Them – CO Ahearn thanks everyone for their positive feedback on this initiative and advised that the billboards were being put up this week.

. CO Ahearn expressed to the SG her thanks to the Legal Drafting Department, particularly Mrs. Myrtle Brandt, for their efforts in assisting the Ministry of HEYS&C

Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm



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