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Deputy Premier Tours Cruise Terminal, Craft Market

At Craft Market 1Deputy Premier and Tourism Minister Hon. Moses Kirkconnell, JP, accompanied by Councillor Mr. Joey Hew viewed recent upgrades to the Port Authority’s cruise terminal.

These include amenities such as new tents and designated areas to better accommodate the flow of arriving cruise passengers and improved organisation of island tour operators and vendors of other activities and products to the visitors.

The idea is to improve the overall experience and streamline tour services for cruise passengers right from the outset and to enable providers of these services to be more organised and efficient.

Colourful tents now provide specific areas for the various tour operators and taxi despatchers to provide their services, enhancing order and passenger flow especially during arrivals in the mornings.

Accompanying the Minister on the tour were Chief Officer, Mr. Stran Bodden, Acting Deputy Chief Officer, Mr. Jonathan Jackson as well as Port Authority’s Chairman, Mr. Errol Bush, MBE, Director, Mr. Paul Hurlston and Manager of Security and Cruise Operations, Mr. Joseph Woods.

“I endorse the Port Authority’s approach to constantly improve their facilities so that visitors get a positive experience about the Cayman Islands right from arrival,” Minister Kirkconnell said. “All of us, both in the private and public sectors, are equal partners in ensuring that our visitors have a great experience in the Cayman Islands and will make this a repeat destination,” he added.

Mr. Kirkconnell and Mr. Hew also visited the Craft Market in George Town to meet and chat with the vendors about the facility, as well as learn about them and their concerns. “We have dedicated artists producing local art on Grand Cayman and they have the Craft Market as a designated location to showcase their artistic talents. It is heartening to see the variety of items offered for sale,” the Minister said, after the visit.

Photo captions: Photos by Bina Mani

Colourful tents 2: Brightly coloured tents provide a cheerful welcome to arriving cruise passengers. More importantly, they help to organise the flow of visitors who are ready to get on to island sightseeing and activities’ tours.

Tents 1/ Tents ships wide view: The cruise terminal has been brightened with colour and improved passenger flow.

Group 1: The tents behind the group have been added to better organise tour bus traffic. (L-R): Port Authority Board Chairman Errol Bush, MBE; Tourism Ministry Chief Officer Stran Bodden, JP; Deputy Premier and Tourism Minister Hon. Moses Kirkconnell, JP; Councillor Joey Hew; Port Security and Cruise Operations Manager Joseph Woods; Port Director Paul Hurlston and Acting Deputy Chief Officer Jonathan Jackson

At Craft Market 1: Ms Rosemary Miller explains about her craft to Minister Kirkconnell (centre) and Councillor Hew.



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