Dolphin employee car jacked

Cruise ships are warning passengers not to carry credit cards on Island for fear of robberies and muggings, according to the manager of one of our top tourism attractions.
On Thursday a member of staff at Dolphin Discovery was mugged and carjacked in broad daylight after leaving the facility.
Now the manager of the centre has said the increase in crime is bound to have an effect on tourism.
Carlos Moreno said: “When I brought my employee here the first thing I told her is that Cayman Islands is a safe place.
“She has only been here for one month and she has been robbed, that is not good for the country.
“It is a shame. People used to say, I prefer to go to the Cayman Islands rather than to go to Mexico.
“I am very concerned that we (Caymanians) seem to be going down the same path.
“I am pretty sure that the tourists are hearing about these incidents.
“I was told that the cruise ships caution their passengers, when they are about to disembark in Jamaica, that they should not carry any jewellery or credit cards.
“Now I have been made to understand that cruise ship passengers are also being advised not to wear jewellery or carry credit cards when they are visiting the Cayman Islands.
“People come here to purchase souvenirs sometimes and they say that they cannot make some purchases because they do not have their credit cards, I say why, and they say there were advised not to take any along with them.”
The robbery occurred on Thursday at 6: 20 pm while the victim, a 30-year-old female employee was on her way to her car after work.

Two men, one armed with a gun, wearing full black, pounced upon her, robbing her of her car, purse, a laptop computer, and an ipod.
The men escaped in the employee’s grey Toyota Marina motorcar.
Meanwhile around an hour later another unrelated car-jacking happened nearby at the Ed Bush stadium.
During this attack a 30 year old man was stabbed by thieves who stole his rental car.
The car was later found abandoned and police have arrested a 40-year-old man in connection with the incident.