Dolphins to host Youth Football Summer Camps
Dolphins to host Youth Football Summer Camps around South Florida and Cayman
Summer camps cater to boys and girls, ages 5-15, and include a week-long football and cheerleader experience emphasizing teamwork building and the importance of education.
The Miami Dolphins Youth Programs Department will host their annual youth football summer camps beginning June 17 in Davie at the Doctors Hospital Training Facility and will continue for six weeks around the tri-county area and Southwest Florida. The program will also extend its reach to the Cayman Islands this summer in the team’s first ever international camp.
The summer camps cater to boys and girls, ages 5-15, and include a week-long football experience emphasizing football training, teamwork building and the importance of education. The camps include appearances by current and former Miami Dolphins’ players that help the children develop skills that will benefit them on and off the field.
Girls, ages 5-14, can participate in the cheerleading camp, where they will get hands-on instruction from current and former Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders.
The summer camps have had large success throughout South Florida over the past decade as kids have learned from the pros in a safe and fun environment.
“Our summer camps are definitely one of the best programs we offer,” Twan Russell, Director of Youth Programs, said. “Every year, we have an outstanding time traveling around South Florida, teaching children the fundamentals of football and important life lessons. I am excited to get this summer underway.”
The popularity of the camps has continued to grow as the Dolphins evolve the program and incorporate new games, drills and events for the children to participate in.
The camps focus on the fundamentals of football that show the kids how to throw, catch, defend, run and lead up to the daily 7-on-7 flag football games. The end of the week includes a Championship Friday, where each team competes to be crowned the champion of the camp.
By the time the week is complete, the children have a greater knowledge of football, gained new friends and improved their teamwork skills.
The following is a breakdown of the camp dates and locations.
Davie Week 1 (June 17-21): The Doctors Hospital Training Facility at Nova University [$400]
Davie Week 2 (June 24-28): The Doctors Hospital Training Facility at Nova University [$400]
Southwest Florida (July 8-12): Estero HS [$250]
Southwest Dade (July 15-19): Felix Varela HS [$250]
Jupiter (July 15-19): Jupiter HS [$250]
Cayman Islands: (July 24-25): Grand Cayman
To register for camps and learn more about the Miami Dolphins Youth Programs, please go to: