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DRC has 3 more graduates

NADCP_ALLRISE_Logo1_2CThree more people are getting a fresh start following their graduation from Cayman’s Drug Rehabilitation Court instead of being incarcerated at HM Northward prison.

The Drug Rehabilitation Court [DRC], which started in October 2007, signalled a new approach to dealing with non-violent, substance abusing offenders within the criminal justice system.

The main goal of this specialised court is to stop drug abuse and related criminal activity of offenders through court-directed treatment and rehabilitation services. A team of specialised professionals administers the work of the Drug Court under the supervision of the court.

7329923The DRC is a voluntary programme for offenders charged with drug and drug-related offences.  An alternative to the regular criminal adjudication, the DRC Team consists of a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, probation officer, social worker, and treatment provider who collaborate and design appropriate treatment, counseling, as well as rewards and sanctions to reduce the offender’s dependency on illegal drugs.

The latest three graduates from the specialist criminal justice programme who graduated in September 2013 bring the total number of people with drug problems who have successfully completed the programme to 75 since 2007.

Cayman’s Chief justice, Hon. Anthony Smellie, said the strength of the court, which was down to the many dedicated people committed to the programme,was it turned lives around “rather than abandoning people to the cycle of recidivism that so often captures those who become addicted to drugs.”

The three graduates have now achieved sustained sobriety, stable housing and full-time employment. They were also required to either attend an educational institution or undertake volunteer work during their time in the rehabilitation programme.

The Chief Justice said during the graduation: resolution_of_the_board_of_directors_on_nadcp_priorities_for_tribal_healing_to_wellness_courts_page_1

“We had the invaluable assistance of Justice Paul Bentley (now deceased) and his entire team from Toronto (including his successor Justice Kofi Barnes), all of whom came twice at my request to put on workshops for our team.

“Our team included persons from all the relevant disciplines — the Probation Service, Drug Counselling and Treatment (including Caribbean Haven) , the Police, the Criminal Defence Bar, the Attorney General’s Department (then responsible for prosecutions) , Legislative Drafting, the Drug Testing Laboratory, the Department of Mental Health at the Cayman Islands Hospital, and the Department of Labour and Employment.

“These measures together prescribe the very strict rules and protocols which must be followed and satisfied before a candidate may be graduated as having successfully completed the programme. I am sure that they share the satisfaction of, and pride in, our three latest programme graduates.”


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