
iLocal News Archives

Dyson sucks

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

September 8th, 2024News Digest
Dyson drops libel case against Channel 4, losing battle over forced labor exposure
After two years of legal threats, Dyson has dropped its libel case against Channel 4 News, whose investigation exposed forced labor at a Malaysian factory in its supply chain. While this is a victory for investigative journalism, the fight for justice continues, as 23 former migrant workers who endured abuse still seek compensation, highlighting the ongoing battle to hold corporations accountable for exploitation. Read more…
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Organ traffickingIn
Myanmar, survival comes at the cost of a kidney
Caught in a devastating cycle of poverty and conflict, people in Myanmar like Maung and April are selling their kidneys on Facebook, lured by illegal agents who exploit their desperation. As the black market for organs flourishes, their stories highlight the cruel choices forced upon the vulnerable and the urgent need to dismantle the networks fueling global organ trafficking. Read more…
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Law & policy
Risky migration, stolen wages and abusive conditions: the “shackles of modern-day slavery”
Migrant agricultural workers in the U.S. on H-2A visas are routinely subjected to wage theft, unsafe conditions, and exploitation while the government turns a blind eye. Tied to abusive employers and afraid to speak out, these workers face a system built to control and exploit them, revealing an urgent need to overhaul outdated immigration policies and guest worker programs that enable labor abuses to thrive. Read more…
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United

©2024 Freedom United is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that powers Human Trafficking Search.
5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite G-01, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA


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