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ETH to be widened says Cayman government

thumb_photo1_1360087518ETH-Aerial-Feb-13-1At the Thursday (21) Government Press Briefing it was revealed that Dart Realty will widen the Esterley Tibbetts Highway (ETH) through to the Butterfield roundabout in George Town as part of the existing National Roads Authority (NRA) agreement.

Cayman’s Health Minister, Hon. Mark Scotland, said negotiations with Dart were ongoing and final details were being “fine tuned”. He confirmed the stretch between the Camana Bay roundabout and the Butterfield roundabout in George Town would be widened first to make it four lanes  and this would be followed by the stretch in Camana Bay.

Hon. Cline Glidden, the Tourism Minister, apologized for the late notice informing the public where exactly and how the traffic was to be diverted. He also said the inconvenience road users were suffering now would soon be averted. He said government was working with Dart to make sure all the tie-ins and access points to the ETH would all be completed quickly.

No information was given, however, when the public would see the PricewaterhouseCooper value for money assessment that they executed on the Dart/NRA deal.

There was nothing strange, Glidden said, that Dart was providing and sending out notices pertaining to the work rather than the NRA as they were the contractors.

To date there have been two legal challenges filed in the Cayman Grand Court by West Bay residents against the deal. Both claim the closure is unlawful because the road has been a byway for more than one hundred years.


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