EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

What: The EU will host a high-level virtual business engagement workshop showcasing climate smart investment opportunities across CARIFORUM, and valuable tools and processes for regional players in the sector to collaborate with EU businesses.
Who: Ambassador Małgorzata Wasilewska, Head of the European Union Delegation to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM
Hon. E.P Chet Greene, Chairperson of CARIFORUM, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade and Barbuda Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda
When: Thursday, February 9. 2023
Time: 10:00AM-13:30PM (GMT-4)
CARIFORUM Countries are undertaking several initiatives to harness renewable energy sources to create a resilient and sustainable energy sector that considers the effects of climate change and further contributes to environmental preservation, improved public health and sustainable development.
This is the first webinar in a series exploring opportunities for European Investors to collaborate with CARIFORUM businesses geared towards optimizing investment opportunities across CARIFORUM.
The webinar follows on the completion of the study, “Renewable Energy and other Clean Technologies such as Waste Management”. It is the first in a series of studies commissioned by the European Commission to help stakeholders get the most out of the CARIFORM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement. It aims to build awareness of economic opportunities related to the CARIFORM-EU EPA, which will enable the EU private sector to leverage the Agreement and foster valuable business networks in new markets.
The webinar will also present key findings and conclusions of the report, highlight emerging trade and investment opportunities in the Caribbean renewable energy sector as well as priority subsectors for EU trade and investment. It will also explore conditions for market access and the ease of doing business.
Session themes
- Snapshot of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA
- Major Opportunities for Investment in the Renewable Energy Sector in the CARIFORUM region
- The Business of Renewable Energy
- Business to Business Networking
About Renewable Energy and the CARIFORUM EU EPA
In 2008 the EU and 14 Caribbean countries signed the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) geared towards strengthening trade and investment relations and promoting regional integration between the Parties and CARIFORUM countries.
As regards renewable energy, the EPA provides notably for the dismantling of import duties on key renewable energy equipment as well as rules on market access for investment and services. It also advocates a framework for cooperation in areas such public education, eco-innovation and renewable energy between CARIFORUM and EU States. Finally, it also promotes sustainable development and environmental conservation through technological advancements to harnessing renewable energy.
Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean