Eva Ritvo shares her prescription for looking and feeling beautiful
This is one of two free events sponsored by the Cayman Islands Diabetes Charitable Trust in support of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society’s biannual Cancer Health Fair. Dr. Eva will also speak at The Fair, which will be held at the Marriott Hotel ballroom on Saturday, September 10 from 8:30am-2pm.
Dr. Eva recently visited Cayman in June to lead a motivational boot camp for teenagers as part of the Cayman Islands Diabetes Charitable Trust’s first annual Diabetes Week and she is looking forward to returning for these upcoming events. “I am very excited to be part of The Fair. Mental health issues are so vital to overall health and wellbeing and it’s so important that these issues will be discussed at The Fair. I will talk about how to make healthy choices and stick to them. We will also talk about the basics for maintaining a positive outlook especially in times of high stress.
About the Book
Every woman deserves to feel beautiful. But what does it mean to feel truly beautiful on the outside and the inside? In The Beauty Prescription, physicians Debra Luftman and Eva Ritvo have redefined beauty around a ground-breaking concept: The Beauty-Brain Loop. In this revealing, candid look at the science and spirit of beauty, Drs. Debra and Eva give women of all ages a prescription for mastering the Beauty-Brain Loop, including:
- How to see beauty in everything around you
- Making time to get fit and healthy
- How a kind, loving, positive demeanour makes you more attractive
- Staying beautiful in times of crisis
- Understanding beauty products and cosmetic procedures
- Creating a lifetime beauty plan
Schools interested in inviting Dr. Eva to speak to their students should contact Christina Rowlandson, Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Cayman Islands Diabetes Charitable Trust, at 345.926.1053 or info@diabetes.ky.
Anyone interested in making a donation to the Cayman Islands Diabetes Charitable Trust can do so through their trustee, Cayman National Trust Co. Ltd, by contacting Joyce Seymour at 345.640.5405.
The Beauty Prescription is now available at Books & Books.