Explore the underwater world of Little Cayman Island
By Pam LeBlanc From My Statesman
Leave the crowds behind on a sleepy Caribbean island where iguanas outnumber humans
I tug on fins, press a mask to my face and gaze out over the blanket of ocean rippling in front of me. Then, with a splash, I step into the blue.
When the bubbles from my scuba tank clear, a whole new world appears.
Giant, barrel-shaped corals come into focus as I slowly sink 50 feet to the reef. A 2-foot, bullet-shaped barracuda approaches, then retreats. Schools of Crayola-colored fish flit past.
I’m spending a week on Little Cayman Island, the tinier, much-less-developed sibling of Grand Cayman Island. It’s a 30-minute hop by prop plane from that buzzing hive of tourism to this sleepy, 10-mile-by-1-mile spit of land, where iguanas outnumber humans and the airport “terminal” is hardly bigger than my bedroom.
An iguana poses in front of Angela Pierce at a swimming pool at Little Cayman Beach Resort on Little Cayman Island. Photo by Pam LeBlanc
A diver jumps from the back of the boat into the water off of Little Cayman Island. Photo by Chris LeBlanc/For American-Statesman A hawksbill turtle cruises along Bloody Bay Wall at Little Cayman Island. Photo by Pam LeBlanc
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