First Career Day
On Wednesday, January 22nd Triple C’s Business Department held its first Career Day for their Juniors and Seniors. Companies that were represented at the Career Day were the Cayman Islands Department of Environment, the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority, Cayman National Bank, KPMG Cayman Islands, and Walkers Global. The International College of the Cayman Islands and the University College of the Cayman Islands were also represented at the career day. Both the companies and universities were there to shed light on what each entity offers as an opportunity for graduating students to learn and build their future careers.
Mrs. Judy Blair-Jackson, Business Teacher, said “The seniors have been learning and researching about their interested career path for the first semester. This event serves to further enrich their learning experience. It gave them the opportunity to have one-on-one talks with companies that suit their career interest and to learn more about job prospects in the Cayman Islands, local scholarships and interact with our local colleges.”
Starting off the Career Day was Mr. Samuel Rose, Cabinet Secretary for the Cayman Islands Government and a Triple C Alumni (Class of 1996). Mr. Rose reminded the students that God wants them to be fulfilled in all areas of their life, including their career. Mr. Rose also told the students to remember 5P’s: Prayer (ask God for direction), Purpose (discover your purpose), Plan (have a plan), Pursuit (put your plan into action), and Perseverance (stick with it). Other key presenters were Mrs. Audrey Prendergast, Human Resources Manager at British Caymanian Insurance Co. Ltd. who spoke about the Do’s & Don’ts of Interviews and Mr. Walling Whitttaker, Entrepreneur/Business Consultant, who encouraged the students to do some research and know the life expectancy for the fields that they are interested in entering into as some jobs will be obsolete in the future. Both Mrs. Prendergast and Mr. Whittaker emphasized the importance of being prepared when going into an interview.
Picture 1: Mr. Samuel Rose (Class of 1996) sharing with students
Picture 2: Mr. Walling Whittaker and Mrs. Audrey Prendergast speaking to the student about interview etiquette.
Picture 3: Grade 11 Students visiting the HSA booth as KPMG & Walker Globals representatives share, in the background, with the other students.