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Fletcher’s money is “socked” away in the Cayman Islands

Alphonse “Buddy” Fletcher

From Nicholas Stix, Uncensored website

The Nothings: Ellen Pao and Alphonse Fletcher Jr. are a Shape-Shifting, Modern, Multicultural Couple: Black and Asian; Rapacious Capitalists and Affirmative Action Shakedown Artists; Now Gay, Now Straight; Whatever Pays at the Moment

Is Alphonse “Buddy” Fletcher the black Bernie Madoff?

Alleged hedge fund manager Fletcher had socked his money away in the Cayman Islands, where his now bankrupt “hedge fund,” Fletcher International Ltd., was based. Have you ever heard of a non-crook doing that?

And with only $700,000 in adjusted gross income, last year he wanted to buy a fifth multimillion-dollar apartment in one of America’s most overprice buildings, The Dakota. When the co-op board turned him down, based on his apparent inability to pay for the unit, the former board president conjured up a race hoax, and sued the board for “racial discrimination.”

Last year, at Business Insider, Julia La Roche wrote,

The Firefighters’ Retirement System of Louisiana and two other Louisiana-based pension boards, which all invested $100 million in the fund and were offered a 12% minimum — “guaranteed” — annual return backed by the holdings of other investors [emphasis by LaRoche], said they all want their money back.

LaRoche wasn’t implying that Fletcher’s “hedge fund” is, er, was, a Ponzi scheme, she was saying so. If you guarantee investors X% annual return, the return must be based on the investments you make with the investors’ capital. The return to one investor can’t be “backed by the holdings of other investors,” since that would make paying the promised return a mathematical impossibility. Paying “investor” A with investor B’s money is the Ponzi scheme model.

But the “hedge fund” went bankrupt, surprise, surprise, and Fletcher is now suing to prevent the liquidator from selling off its assets.

If this guy were white, there would have been a criminal referral by the U.S. attorney a long time ago. “Diversity” is rotting America’s economy, not just from the bottom up, but from the top down, as well.

For more on this story go to:

You will also find an article by Naomi Schaefer Riley that was first published in June 10/11, 2012 in the New York Post titled, “Of love-and lotta lawsuits” featuring Alphonse Fletcher and Ellen Pao (Fletcher’s wife), calling them the “power couple”.

Also with the same article is a quote from Stephen Cass, University of Oxford:

This guy, Buddy Fletcher, was a hardcore Reaganite Republican when we were roommates at Harvard…but he and Ellen ended up, I recall, as Trustees of Obama’s Inauguration. Follow the money.”


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