Flowers Group Celebrates 78th Anniversary
Cayman: Flowers Group Celebrates 78th Anniversary with Business After Hours

Chamber President-Elect, Omari Corbin
The Flowers Group celebrated 78 years, plus the official opening of their brand new state-of-the-art blockmaking machine-and-plant, the CPM+ 40, during the Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours event on 7 November, at the Group’s headquarters on Seymour Road, George Town.
“It’s lovely to see so many of you here as we gather to celebrate the incredible contributions of a company that has not only helped build the Cayman Islands from the ground up but has shaped the fabric of our community in countless ways,” said Chamber President-Elect Omari Corbin, “We honour the Flowers Group tonight as they mark an incredible 78 years of excellence, vision, and community spirit.

Guests at the Flowers’ BAH
“The Flowers family has built not only a business but also a community. They’ve shown time and again their care for all Caymanians, from those facing financial hardships to the many prestigious clients who fill their top-tier office spaces, such as those at Cricket Square.
Kevin Brown, President of Columbia Machine, Concrete Block Division spoke about his longstanding business relationship with Managing Director Frank Flowers, which began in 1989:

Kevin Brown of Columbia Machines presents Frank Flowers Sr. with a special award.
“To this day, whatever Frank calls me for, he knows it’s going to be fixed, and we work together very well in that way. I remember back in 2004 the unfortunate Ivan came through and devastated the Island. We worked together for months, shipping machine parts …giving everything we had to Flowers as they offered free blocks and water to the Island.
“About 5 years ago Mr. Flowers was talking about his dream of a new state-of-the-art block manufacturing plant, and I’m so proud to see it here today. So this plant, the CPM + 40 is our flagship – the best machine in the world.”

Dara Flowers Burke and her son, Lucas
Director, Dara Flowers Burke appeared onstage with her two children, Alexandra and Lucas. “The future is bright,” she said, “And Flowers is proud of our many new ventures, including our gold Leed Certified Phase Seven of Cricket Square, the development in total boasts over 300,000 square feet, and is the largest locally owned commercial real estate park in the Cayman Islands.

The Flowers Family: Left to right, Frank Flowers Sr, Dara Flowers-Burke, Lucas, Clarence ‘King’ Flowers, Frank Flowers, Alexandra, and Daniel Burke.
“There’s an emphasis throughout the group on sustainability, and Flowers is proud to announce the launch of our new recycled glass plant, which will be in operation by the second quarter of next year. Recycled glass will be integrated into our many building products, putting Cayman at the forefront of sustainability.”

Frank Flowers Sr.
“We have contributed to many wonderful charities over the years, but we are proudest of our flagship charity the Flowers Sea Swim, which has raised over a million dollars for worthy local charities. In addition, we have recently launched our Swim Free Programme, with a mobile pool. We use it to teach local school children in our government primary schools for free. So far, the Flowers Swim Free programme has taught over a thousand local children to swim, potentially saving lives for generations to come.”

Ribbon Cutting, with Dara, Flowers Burke, Lucas, Alexandra, and Frank Flowers Sr.
Frank Flowers Sr. gave the final speech: “I will conclude with a quote that my late uncle, Sir Vassell Johnson, said when he was master of ceremonies in 1966 when we had our opening of one of our early block plants. He said that a successful business is a continuing institution. It is an entity; a real thing, apart from the people who operate it. People come and go but the business, like Tennyson’s Brook, goes on forever, regardless of the death of one who has controlled or the birth of another who will rule in the future.”

The CPM + 40 in action
The evening concluded with a demonstration of the new CPM+40 machine which can make 2,200 concrete blocks every hour.
Photo Captions
Photo 1 Chamber President-Elect, Omari Corbin
Photo 2 Guests at the Flowers’ BAH
Photo 3 Kevin Brown of Columbia Machines presents Frank Flowers Sr. with a special award.
Photo 4 Dara Flowers Burke and her son, Lucas
Photo 5 Frank Flowers Sr.
Photo 6 Ribbon Cutting, with Dara, Flowers Burke, Lucas, Alexandra, and Frank Flowers Sr.
Photo 7 The CPM + 40 in action
Photo 8 The Flowers Family: Left to right, Frank Flowers Sr, Dara Flowers-Burke, Lucas, Clarence ‘King’ Flowers, Frank Flowers, Alexandra, and Daniel Burke.
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