Founder calls for UN Sanctioned World Orphans Day on 8th Anniversary
With over 153 million children left behind by wars, poverty, natural disasters and diseases such as AIDS and Ebola, the founder of World Orphans Day, Cheryl Robeson Piggott, calls for the UN to proclaim the second Monday in November each year to bring international awareness to the plight of these underserved children. The day was initiated under the umbrella of The Stars Foundation, the entertainment related non-profit organization which Piggott founded and is based in Nashville, TN. This is the eighth year of the promotional campaign.
“The Stars Foundation desires for the staggering statistics to become more than a number to Westerners and developed countries throughout the world, with the purpose of opening their purse strings for these underprivileged children. Governmental agencies, blue chip corporations and the faith based communities will be targeted to unite in a bold awakening to the impoverished conditions that these children dwell in on a daily basis. We are planning a small intimate World Orphans Summit for participating global leaders who are passionate for the plight of these children and desire to create a better future for them.” said Cheryl Piggott.
“Every two seconds, a child is orphaned; more than 60,000.000 orphans are going to bed hungry every night. This is unacceptable,” stated Cheryl Piggott.
“Africa is in turmoil with the situation that requires a united effort among all factions that can assist the orphan care system to work more efficiently and to create more long term solutions. It is time for the UN to help recognize the World Orphans Day movement in North America and worldwide, so that there can be a synergistic approach to the problem, as unity is key,” remarked Piggott. Over 50 countries have been cited as having events on the November date or preceding weekend, and the organization’s purpose of the day event is to encourage more nations and organizations worldwide to participate in the campaign in upcoming years. The Stars Foundation’s media and celebrity engagement into the promotional campaign is their most significant contribution to the global efforts of many like-minded and orphan focused groups.
Cheryl and her husband Roger J. Piggott, the event producer for the World Orphans Summit, were in Pinehurst recently to meet with area officials and interested parties. “The first World Orphans Summit facilitated by The Stars Foundation will be in early October of 2015 with Pinehurst, NC as the proposed venue. Highlights will be filed and packaged for a one-hour documentary” stated Roger Piggott.
“The Stars Foundation will be inviting global leaders including NGO leaders, royalty, and celebrities from Nashville, Hollywood and NASCAR industries to stand with us in this appeal to make World Orphans Day a UN sanctioned day each year on the second Monday in November,” added Roger Piggott.