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Fraud against the IMF, Argyle Airport?

argyle-international-airportBy Peter Binose From Caribbean360

KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, Sunday June 29, 2014 – For you all to consider that what I write is true to public records and political fact. Public records that are held in Grenada, and Micro Fiche copies in the US.

It worried me greatly when Ralph Gonsalves announced in Saint Vincent that he is here to finish the work of Maurice Bishop. I am still seeking an explanation of exactly what that statement means and what part of Bishops work Gonsalves wants to adopt?

We must remember that Gonsalves was very close to Bishop, shortly after the Marxist Grenada revolution, travelling with Bishop in his car and writing political speech’s for him. [its all a matter of public record, and a written record by Gonsalves himself] We know that Bishop was capable of writing his own speech’s but these were busy times and he needed help, help by like minded Caribbean people.

So when Gonsalves announced he is here to finish the work of dead Marxist, Maurice Bishop, I previously asked the question on several sites such as this, “what part or parts of Bishops work does he intend completing”. Is it some, is it a selection, or is it all?

Bishop did a lot of dreadful things, one of the things that Bishop did was undertake to obtain money fraudulently from the IMF and other lending institutes.

I am sure that Maurice Bishop was not the first and will not be the last MARXIST even non Marxist Caribbean leader or ruler to deceive the IMF.

Some present day governments today may well be using the same method. Falsifying finance figures, also tourism, agriculture, fishing, large project figures, even crime records, and other statistics. Whether CUBA still offers advice on how to do this is another consideration, even a question we should verociously ask. Ask in the expectation that we are given an answer, if not by our own government, perhaps by some other entity. Is it still a service offered to its associates, its Caribbean political admirers and followers.

On the advice of Russia and Cuba Maurice Bishop of Grenada had suggested to his party Central Committee how to overcome the IMF and World Bank requirements, by keeping two sets of books and records, so as to defraud the IMF.

When the Americans invaded Grenada, they found, confiscated and shipped to the US 6 tons of paper records. The best kept records of a Communist revolution ever to be found anywhere. There were thousands of records some as government central committee records, some even written in the hand of Bishop.

They found all sorts of records, including the diaries of Maurice Bishop, and all the secret official agreements between Bishops regime and Cuba, East Germany, Russian USSR, Vietnam, North Korea, and dozens of other communist bloc countries, most of whom had required that such contracts and agreements be kept secret. Kept secret because they included contractual intentions, also numbers and details of arms and military supplies, made or proposed.

The records were copied in the US by the microfiche method, and then returned to Grenada. Returned to Grenada where they were made fully available for the public to scrutinise.

With regards to the fraud against the IMF, here are the US record office and Grenadian record locations and references.


Micro Fiche, page 9

Grenada Revolution, Deception on Economic Matters

Minutes of Central Committee:

At a meeting in Grenada on August 3, 1983, the political/Economic Bureau of the NJM noted that International Monetary Fund requirements for badly needed assistance would be difficult to meet –

“Comrade Maurice Bishop suggested that we use the Suriname and Cuban experience in keeping two sets of records in the banks for this purpose”

Later in the same meeting –

“Comrades again highlighted the urgent importance of training Comrades to adjust the banking figures. Someone should be sent to Cuba or the Soviet Union”

And again –

“The comrades from Nicaragua and Cuba must visit Grenada to train Comrades in the re-adjustment of the books.”

Extracted from documents found by the U.S. forces when they invaded Grenada in 1983, stored on Micro Fiche in Maryland, USA. available to the public. Originals returned to Grenada Public Records Office.


Box 1 Folder 72

Minutes of Meetings – August 1983

Date: 3 Aug 1983: Description: Minutes of Central Committee, Political Bureau, Economic Bureau and other Meetings refer to the economy, fraudulently readjusting the books for IMF.

This opinion is not meant to infer or imply that Ralph E. Gonsalves is involved in the altering of any records whatsoever in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, or of committing or planning any illegal act.

But as the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister who makes statements about the dead criminal Marxist, Maurice Bishop, we really do require some answers to his statements. Exactly what work of Maurice Bishop does PM Gonsalves intend emulating or completing?

It’s a simple question. Because without the answer people may rightly or wrongly assume that Gonsalves intends to adopt all the work of Bishop.

That may well lay them open to being sued by Gonsalves, so for the sake of Justice, please PM Gonsalves, lets have the low down of your intentions.

There have recently been another opinions, one by ‘Simon Rouse’ quoting the International Airport that was being built by the Cubans in Grenada, being built for the use as a military airport. An opinion that asks if St. Vincent’s Argyle airport project is a military project.

I first raised the above questions about Maurice Bishops fraud, on several occasions since 2011. To date no answer, no explanation, no rendition to the Vincentian people who are owed an explanation, nothing except silence.

Some say silence is golden but in this matter its not, it hangs like a lead weight around the neck of those decent non-Marxist members of Vincentian society. Those people who are coming to feel tricked and deceived by their leaders, those people who want to know the truth and want an answer from the Gonsalves family leadership.

I say Gonsalves family leadership because PM Gonsalves is an elected member, his son is an unelected member, selected by him as a senator and minister, his cousin Julian Francis has stood for election on several occasion, always to be rejected by the people, an unelectable and unelected member of parliament, except by Gonsalves choice of him as a senator and minister. Between them the trio hold all the important post’s and ministries, between them the trio control parliament and every ministerial meeting. Between them the trio are effectively the government of SVG., the central committee. Between them, by some, the trio may well be described as a family dictatorship.

Wake up people and smell the sulphur. Wake up Diaspora and seeketh the way of the Lord, reject those that claim to only work Obeah for the Lord.

“If I work Obeah, I only work Obeah for the Lord“, Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Peter Binose. Peter Binose,self appointed keeper of the bugle, thrown the whistle away.

IMAGE: argyle-international-airport

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