Freedom United asking companies to help stop fake recruiters!
From Freedom United

We are using your voice to see an end to trafficking into California, the most popular destination for temporary migrant workers in the U.S. Together, we’re calling for stronger regulations to stop traffickers posing as recruiters by requiring all foreign labor contractors in the state to be registered. To help us achieve that change, we’re asking businesses to join us. Can you help call on companies? |
Not on social media? Forward this email to your friends and family and ask if they can help. We sent a letter last month, with our partners CAST LA, to leading businesseshighlighting how unscrupulous foreign labor contractors (FLC), often far down the supply chains of these big companies, abuse U.S. visa programs. They falsify documents, charge exorbitant recruiting fees, and deceive foreign workers about the terms and conditions of their employment. These coercive practices force workers into debt bondage and involuntary servitude. This makes foreign temporary workers in California some of the most exploited legally authorized workers in the country. It is therefore in big businesses’ interest to call for stronger regulations, ensure a level playing field with responsible recruiters, and best protect all workers in supply chains from trafficking for forced labor. Share on Facebook with a message to ask @cocacola @generalelectric @HP @HPE @marsglobal @nestle @nike @pepsico @target @walmart @Unilever to join us as we call for all temporary migrant workers in California to be protected from trafficking. |
Under the current law,[1] FLCs must share a full and honest disclosure of working terms and conditions with prospective workers during the recruiting process, and not charge any fees. Penalties set out in the law were designed to help ensure compliance with these requirements. However, due to the limitation of the law, it fails to protect the majority of migrant workers. As it stands, it does not cover all temporary workers. That is why we calling for business support to help get this corrected. Instead of protecting the 130,000-150,000 temporary migrant workers who come into California each year, the statute only applies to 3,000-5,000 workers in a specific visa category. By amending the law, we would be ensuring all temporary workers would be afforded extra protection from exploitative recruiters. |
As members of The Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, and with business in California, Coca Cola, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, MARS, Nestlé, Nike, Pepsi Co., Target, Unilever and Walmart, need to support our call which is aligned with their commitment to: “Improve protection for migrant workers through effective regulation, and… to establish safe and secure recruitment corridors.” [2] |
We are therefore calling on these companies to pledge their support and join us as we advocate to amend the law during the 2021 California legislative cycle. Also, the more signatures we collect on our petition, the more powerful our call will be! Share our petition and show legislators and companies benefitting from migrant workers’ labor that we want them to be better protected from modern slavery. In solidarity, Herrana and the rest of the Freedom United team |