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Freedom United: Double your impact – Join our matching gift campaign

From Krysta Bisnauth, Freedom United

I’m reaching out with some exciting news that can make a big differencein our fight against modern slavery. 

Last week, we reached out to you with an appeal to help end child exploitation in the cocoa industry. We received so much support from our community.

Now, a generous donor is offering to match every donation we receive, dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000 until Wednesday, July 17 at midnight.

This means your gift will have double the impact in driving our advocacy efforts! 

Count me in!

The global Freedom United community has been making progress to end modern slavery and this progress is funded and owned by you. We don’t receive government or institutional funding so any amount helps keep campaigns against modern slavery going – if you can, make a one-off or monthly donation here. 

We’re a small team but with the actions of supporters like you, we’re making significant progress together! 

With this matching opportunity, you can have an even greater impact.Here’s how your doubled donation can help: 

  • Raise Awareness: Educate more people about the realities of modern slavery. 
  • Mobilize Support: Boost our campaigns to gather more voices united for change. 
  • Influence Change: Push for stronger laws and policies to protect vulnerable populations and prevent exploitation. 

Give to end modern slavery

Please consider making a donation today and help us take advantage of this matching gift opportunity. Your support can help us create a world where everyone is free from exploitation and abuse.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to ending modern slavery.

In solidarity,

Krysta and the team that supports the Freedom United community

Krysta Bisnauth
Advocacy Manager, Freedom United


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