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From Instagram influencer to human trafficker

From Ellie Finkelstein Freedom United

July 21st, 2024News Digest
Human trafficking
Behind the glamor of this Instagram influencer is a hidden world of exploitation
Once a glamorous wellness influencer rubbing shoulders with Hollywood’s elite, Kat Torres now faces eight years in prison for human trafficking and slavery, having lured victims through the façade of social media. The shocking stories of her followers, enticed by promises of spiritual healing and success, expose a dark world of exploitation, psychological manipulation, and modern-day slavery.
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Forced labor
Indian workers escape forced labor on Italian farms
Italian police have rescued 33 Indian farm laborers from brutal exploitation in northern Italy, where they were deceived by false promises of better futures and forced into gruelling labor for minimal wages. The two men behind this horrifying scheme have been arrested, revealing a sinister network of human trafficking and exploitation within Italy’s agricultural sector. Read more…
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Child slavery
Despite global pressure, cobalt mining still tainted by forced child labor
Cobalt, essential for batteries in electric vehicles and cell phones, is predominantly mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo under alarming conditions that often involve hazardous child labor. Despite increased global demand and corporate promises to eliminate exploitative practices, a recent lawsuit reveals that major tech companies continue to be implicated in this dark and dangerous supply chain. Read more…
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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