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funeral-themed wedding photos

11738079_10152884310722115_1144307717451947529_nCouple looks deathly in love in their funeral-themed wedding photos

By Andrea Romano From Mashable

Their vows say “’til death do us part,” and they mean it.

Jenny Tay and Darren Cheng, both funeral directors at Direct Funeral Services Ltd. in Singapore, brought a little inspiration from their work into their wedding photo shoot.

“We wanted to feature something meaningful to us,” Tay said to Mashable. The couple’s wedding theme, “Til Death Do Us Part,” was partially tongue-in-cheek, but also symbolic of their relationship and their outlook on life.

“We meet grieving families daily and witness first hand how a death in the family brings the family closer … Death seems to make people cherish life even more. This realization moulded our belief in life, that death is indeed a part of life,” Tay explained.

funeral_wedding_photosThemed weddings, Tay says, are particularly popular in Singapore. “The latest trend in weddings is the Great Gatsby theme,” she said. The couple also shot a more “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” style photo shoot that gave Cheng an opportunity to show off his martial arts skills. It also served as an alternative for the couple’s guests who may not understand their funeral-themed shoot.

However, Tay and Cheng found that many people loved their fashionably macabre wedding photos after they published them through The Straits Times Facebook page. Tay surprisingly found that “almost 95% of the commenters liked the shoot.”

11738079_10152884310722115_1144307717451947529_nAt home, they enjoyed the same support they found online after the initial shock wore off.

“Our friends thought we were crazy. Darren’s parents initially were very taken aback … they have turned ’round to fully support it.”

Tay still looks back fondly on her artful wedding motif — not just for the gorgeous gown and props, but also that they honor different parts of life. “One is a celebration of the beginning of a new life while the other is a celebration of the end of a life. In the end, both events are truly about life.”

Tay and Cheng’s wedding photos were taken by Singapore photographer Joel Lim.

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