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Further Update: Maritime Incident in Cayman Brac

The Department of Environment and Cayman Islands Coast Guard confirm that the vessel Sea Elephant departed Cayman Brac on Thursday afternoon (11 July 2024), en route to Grand Cayman to an anchorage point that offers protection to carry out any additional repair work that may need to be completed. 

Marine Surveyors from the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands have stated that additional inspections are needed to assess the effectiveness of the temporary repairs to the damaged hull of the vessel that were initially carried out in Cayman Brac and to determine the need for additional repair work.

Once completed, any additional repairs will again be assessed by an inspector from the Maritime Authority. Should it be determined that the vessel is seaworthy for international voyage, she will be authorised to depart Cayman waters to undergo permanent repairs at a location chosen by her owners.

It is again confirmed that no fuel or oils were released into the sea at or after the grounding. An investigation is currently being conducted into the matter by the Department of Environment, Coast Guard and the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands.


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