Gadget of the week
Non-toxic carbon nanotube battery could power space probes
As well as tiny wearable devices.
By Mariella Moon From engadget
MIT researchers are developing an alternative to lithium batteries that uses absolutely no toxic materials and isn’t prone to spontaneous combustion. This alternative source of power takes the form of wires made out ofcarbon nanotubes — the same cylindrical carbon molecules used to create the darkest material on Earth. Those wires produce electricity if you heat them from one end to the other. That’s because the heat carries “electrons with it like a bunch of surfers riding a wave” through the carbon nanotube bundles. They do need a combustible material to burn, but the team made sure to use a material that’s also benign and non-toxic: ordinary table sugar.
In their current form, the carbon nanotube wires are one percent efficient in converting heat to electricity. While that doesn’t sound like much, that’s still 10,000 times more efficient than what team lead Michael Strano originally reported when he discovered that carbon nanotubes can be used as a power source. Other combustible materials besides sugar could improve their efficiency even further.
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