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Government Finance Professional Development Week 2012

The Cayman Islands Society of Professional Accountants (CISPA) is organizing a professional development week designed specifically for finance and audit personnel in the government, but also of interest to all public sector managers and private sector accountants. The event provides a unique opportunity for public and private sector accountants and auditors to share knowledge and practices.  The training will take place from 26 to 30 November 2012 at the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort.

Working with the Civil Service College and a planning committee made up of senior accounting and auditing officials, the topics that will be discussed include governance, ethics and values, performance auditing and what is new and challenging with public sector accounting standards.  Keynote speakers will include HE the Governor, Duncan Taylor, Franz Manderson, Alastair Swarbrick, Nick Freeland, and more.

“I am very excited by the programme topics being offered at this event and encourage all government finance personnel in core government and in the statutory authorities and government companies to register for all or some of the sessions.  I would also like to encourage managers in all government entities to consider attending the sessions to hear about what is happening in the government today.  This is a terrific way to learn about what you need to know and to hear about what challenges lie ahead.”             Hon Franz Manderson, Deputy Governor

Thanks to a number of sponsorships from the accounting firms and associations, participants will pay only $100 per day to attend.  Information about the event, speakers and registration is available at

For information about the event, please call David Stock at 244-3190.

CISPA is a not-for-profit organisation that regulates and promotes the accounting profession in the Cayman Islands.  To learn more about CISPA visit,



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