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Government schools begin registration

schoolThe registration of students enrolling in or transferring to Government schools for the 2013/2014 school year will begin on Thursday, 23 May 2013, with an anticipated completion date of Friday 19 July 2013.

Registration for Government Reception is open for qualifying children aged 4 Years 0 months before September 1 2013. That means a child born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 is eligible for reception, and that he/she must have already turned 4 prior to September 2013.

The Government schools that have reception classes are Sir John A Cumber Primary School; George Town Primary School; Prospect Primary School; Savannah Primary School; Bodden Town Primary School; North Side Primary School and East End Primary School on Grand Cayman and West End Primary School and Creek Primary School on Cayman Brac.

Registration for Year 1 in Government schools is open for qualifying children aged 5 years 0 months before September 1 2013. That means a child born between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008 is eligible for Year 1, and that he/she must have already turned 5 prior to September 2013.

Registration for older students transferring into the Government school system should be completed by July 19th for the child to be eligible to attend school at the start of the school year.

Registration will take place at the Department of Education Services (GCM) and the Cayman Brac Teacher’s Centre (CB/LC). Parents may pick up registration forms at government schools, Department of Education Services, 130 Thomas Russell Way, George Town or the Cayman Brac Teacher’s Centre, Cayman Brac.


When the form has been completed, it must be returned to the Department of Education Services or the Cayman Brac Teacher’s Centre , with a copy of the following documents attached:

The child’s birth certificate

The child’s immunization card

Documentation of child’s residency category(i.e. birth certificate, passport, status

letter/certificate, RS 101 form)

Proof of address (mandatory) street name, house/apartment number, block number.

Proof  in the form of a utility bill (CUC or Water), lease or  notarized letter from

landlord if renting)

The last school year’s report (if the child is transferring from another school including private schools). In the case of transfer to John Gray High School or Clifton Hunter High School a transcript from the last school should be included.

The Department of Education Services Customer Service staff will check the documentation and determine the designated catchment area for the school assignment. Following approval by the Senior School Improvement Officer, the school secretary will make an appointment for a medical examination with the Public Health nurse. Parents can arrange for an examination from a private doctor. The medical examination must be completed before a child is enrolled.

Remember enroll as soon as possible to ensure that your qualifying child has a place at your local school in September. CHILDREN REGISTERING AFTER JULY 19 CANNOT BE GURANTEED SPACE at their nearest school. Parents will receive notification from the school of their child’s placement for September.

Entry to Government Schools

Priority for admission to Government schools is assigned as follows:

1.         Caymanians, with proof established by birth certificate, passport or status certificate

2.         Dependents of Caymanians

3.         Dependents of government employees

4.         Dependents of permanent residents

Class sizes are capped for Reception and Year 1 at 24 students and 28 for all other year groups. Where maximum class sizes are exceeded within the school, spaces will be offered for qualifying students at the nearest school with available space. Spaces for categories 3 and 4 above will be reviewed following the July 19 closure of registration.

Payment of Fees:

All non-Caymanian students under approved categories must pay school fees at the following rates:

*          Year 1-6         CI$250.00 per term or CI$ 750. 00 per year

*          Year 7-9         CI$300.00 per term or CI$ 900.00 per year

*          Year 10-12    CI$400.00 per term or CI$ 1,200.00 per year

Payment sites are as follows:

Cayman Brac/ Little Cayman residents –   Cayman Brac Teachers Centre, CB/LC Grand Cayman residents           – Department of Education Services

130 Thomas Russell Way, Rm # 2

The Catchment Area for government primary schools:

WEST BAY PRIMARY          North of Government House to Spanish Bay Reef to include all of West Bay.

GEORGE TOWN        South of Government House to Memorial Avenue, North along Walkers Road to Maple Road and East along Smith Road to Crewe Road airport junction. North on Airport Road, through the new Junction in Industrial Park to include all areas North and East past the airport to North Sound

RED BAY PRIMARY Area on south side of memorial Avenue, along Walkers Road to Maple Road and South side of Smith Road, both sides of Crew Road bordered by Owen Robert Drive to the North and South Sound to the South Song Boarder on the east side Victory Avenue.

SAVANNAH PRIMARY         The East side of Spotts-Newlands Road to Beach Bay Road in Pedro including greater Pedro.

BODDEN TOWN PRIMARY East of Beach Bay Road up to Breakers including Northward.

EAST END PRIMARY           East of the Frank Sound junction to include all of East End to Colliers.

NORTH SIDE PRIMARY       All of Frank Sound to Old Man Bay west to Cayman Kai

PROSPECT PRIMARY          All area from Prospect Drive eastward to West side of Spotts-Newlands Road (to include all of Prospect Park, Patrick Island, Ocean Club, Mariners Cove, Cascades Drive and West side of Spott-Newlands Road)

The Catchment Area for government Secondary Schools:

JOHN GRAY HIGH SCHOOL            All areas West Side of Spott-Newlands.

CLINTON HUNTER HIGH SCHOOL           All areas East Side of Spotts-Newlands Road.



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