
iLocal News Archives

Grand Cayman: Our 30th Anniversary trip

GC 1By Linda Jones

Linda has produced a beautiful book of photographs taken on Grand Cayman on her and her husband, Steve’s, 30th Wedding Anniversary. December 31st, 2012.

She says:

“We had always talked about an Island vacation – long walks on the beach, sunshine and breezes, sand and sea, and lots of relaxing. We wanted to avoid long travel, changing time zones, complicated language or currency … and Grand Cayman seemed to fit the bill perfectly.”

GC 4GC 2The beginning of the trip didn’t start out exactly as planned because as Linda says in the book, “We have a talent for choosing travel times that coincide with major storms,” so at first their flights got bumped from December 27th to the 28th. However when they went to print off their boarding passes they were horrified to find that all the flights had been moved forward three more days. Undaunted they found another flight leaving from Boston that would still get them out on the 28th. The crises was averted and they arrived safely on Grand Cayman and they were at The Reef by that same afternoon.

GC 5GC 3You can view Linda’s book on line and also purchase a copy at:

Copies are:

Softcover US$10.95

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US$21.95

Hardcover, ImageWrap US$24.95



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