Guyana: Granger’s Presidency comes to a shocking end, new elections soon
By Dennis Adonis From Guyana Guardian

The No Confidence Motion that was brought by opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo got the support of AFC Parliamentarian Charandass Persaud, who voted in its favour just before 10pm Friday night, thus inevitably bringing an end to the rule of the APNU/ AFC Government.
Charandass who was questioned by his fellow APNU+AFC parliamentarians as to whether he made a mistake when he voted in favour of the motion, repeated his position at least four times, sending parliament into an uproar as shocked government MP’s began to ponder on their defeat.
With the no-confidence motion succeeding on a count of 33 – 32, new general elections would now have to be called within 3 months, bringing the reign of the current APNU+AFC coalition to an abrupt end.
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