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Hand-Foot-and-Mouth disease prevention

Although there is no vaccine to protect against hand-foot-and-mouth disease, preventing it can be accomplished by washing your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Do this after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or prior to coming into contact with anything unsanitary. You should also wash your hands before preparing food and before eating. If you don’t have access to warm water, hand sanitizer will suffice. Encourage your children to practice proper hand-washing techniques as well.

Fight the urge to touch your nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands – especially after being in public all day. Wash your hands before touching any part of your face. Teach your children good hygiene as well by instructing them how to keep their hands, fingers and other objects out of their mouths. If your baby or small child still uses a pacifier, clean it often.

Keep your home clean and use disinfectant on surfaces and on objects like doorknobs, toys, or the remote control; common areas should also be disinfected. You can use bleach and water following a coat of soap and water.

Since the disease is highly contagious, it goes without saying that avoiding close contact with someone infected with hand-foot-and-mouth disease – such as hugging, kissing, or sharing personal items like cups and spoons – is recommended.


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