Heroes Day Messages For Jamaica

KINGSTON, (AP): As Jamaica celebrates its national heroes, Governor General Sir Patrick Allen says the country should focus on the social values and cultural traditions that were taught to us by our forefathers to assist in solving the problems that we now face as a country.

According to Sir Patrick, some of the challenges that we face are the social decay and lack of respect for law and as a result, they have contributed to some of the obstacles we face such as crime and violence, low gross domestic product levels and inability to fund education and other reform programmes.

“Many of the challenges we face are as a result of social decay and a growing lack of respect for law and order and for each other. It is born out of a change in the social dynamics where formerly every child belonged to the community and the village was collectively responsible for the raising of the child,” he said.

“Today, children are without mentors and positive role models to guide their social and spiritual upliftment,” he continued.

He said, however, that despite the challenges, he believed there was still hope as Jamaica’s past heroes did not despair amid the obstacles they faced.



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