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Household register to be updated

statsESO to conduct field work on July 8th to August 30th

Staff from the Economics and Statistics Office will be in various communities across all districts between July 8 and August 30, 2013 collecting basic information necessary to update the Household Register.

The Household Register is a list of all household addresses in the Cayman Islands. It provides a sampling frame from which households are selected for surveys.

The Household Register is usually updated prior to the annual Labour Force Survey. This year’s update is a partial one, where, only dwellings that were previously listed as of August 2012 as “under construction” or “vacant” are visited. Newly constructed dwellings are also visited to determine if they have become occupied as households.

“ESO generally enjoys good cooperation from the community in our various household surveys, and we thank them anew in advance for their support this year,” stated ESO Director Maria Zingapan. She added that ESO staff members can be identified through their IDs. She therefore advises that concerned community members should always ask for the field workers to present their IDs before providing key information.


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