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How to approach aging with play and curiosity

IMAGE: pexels

The anti-aging industry is bigger than ever. So many people want to drink from the “fountain of youth” and find ways to look and feel younger as they get older. Anti-aging products make up the cornerstone of our beauty, wellness, and health industries. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best, these products and this mindset put our sense of self-acceptance at odds with the natural progression of getting older. 

But, what if you didn’t need to invest all of your time, effort, and money into anti-aging products? What if you approach your golden years with play and curiosity? 

We often think of those things when it comes to children, but multiple studies have shown the mental and physical health benefits of play. As you get older, that approach can change your mentality around aging, and help you feel more connected to your own sense of self. 

Let’s dive a little deeper into how you can approach aging with a sense of play and curiosity, change your perspective on getting older, and how now is a perfect time to try something new for the next chapter of your life.

Understand the Positives of Getting Older

One of the best ways to have a curious and playful mindset as you age is to understand and accept the positives of aging. Growing older offers an incredible opportunity to start something new. Maybe you’ve recently retired or your children just moved out of the house. That gives you a blank slate to do whatever you’d like, including things that can nourish and enrich your life, like: 

  • Traveling;
  • Reconnecting with old friends;
  • Taking a class or going back to school;
  • Joining a gym;
  • Trying a new hobby.

The more you accept these benefits, the more you’ll accept the idea of getting older without trying to change things about yourself. It’s an opportunity to reclaim your sense of self and possibly rediscover your identity for the first time in years. 

Changing your mindset on aging is one of the best ways to stay positive throughout your golden years. You’ll open yourself up to more opportunities, be more willing to try new things, and prioritize your mental and physical well-being in the process. 

Take Care of Yourself

Speaking of your mental and physical health, they should be your top priorities as you get older. Thankfully, you can approach them with a playful mindset, too. Now is an ideal time to check in with yourself and seriously consider how you’re feeling. Try to consider if you can make small changes for health benefits. Sometimes, adding a few simple things to your daily routine can make a big difference in how you feel. If you’re not sure how to incorporate more self-care activities in your life, try some of the following: 

  • Drink more water;
  • Stay physically active;
  • Cut back on sugary drinks;
  • Maintain a healthy diet;
  • Travel somewhere new;
  • Spend more time outside;
  • Keep a journal.

Self-care can also include things that make you look and feel beautiful. That doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars on anti-aging products. Instead, focus on ways you can age beautifully that will actually make you feel good about yourself. Things like switching up your fashion choices, wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, and having a positive attitude can all boost your look and help you feel more confident with every passing year. 

Research has shown that older individuals are often at a greater risk of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness. Your mental health can have a direct impact on your physical health, so make sure you’re prioritizing your mental well-being through self-care, too. Things like connecting with friends and family, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or talking to a counselor or therapist can make a big difference when you’re struggling. 

Be Curious About Everything

More people should look at their golden years as a new beginning, rather than the beginning of the end. Maintaining a curious mind can make you mentally stronger, boost your creativity, and help you to become a lifelong learner. Curious individuals are notoriously happier. They have more positive emotions and are often less anxious and stressed. It can also boost your productivity and make you more empathetic toward others, effectively changing the way you see the world. 

With that in mind, don’t fall into the trap of “staying young” through things like beauty products, injections, or other procedures and products designed to hide who you really are. While these things aren’t inherently bad, they shouldn’t be used as ways to deny the beauty of the aging process. Instead, approach aging with play and curiosity. 

Unleash your “inner child” in everything you do. Not only will you feel more youthful, but you’ll establish a healthy, refreshing perspective on life and aging that will allow you to feel more comfortable in your own skin and more accepting of who you are as you go through your golden years. 


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