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How to generate more conversions in eCommerce


As far as marketing intelligence is concerned, the conversion rate of an eCommerce website is rated as the most sought after secret in marketing. To get a reasonable conversion rate, businesses have to optimize their landing page and website in different ways to save costs and ensure that the business is more profitable.

It would help if you got an insight into the best way to increase the number of website visitors that take action on your website. It doesn’t matter if you are the digital marketer, data analyst, web developer, or CRO (conversion rate optimization) manager. However, according to a report, it is surprising that just a little more than 30 in every 100 small businesses have created a CRO strategy for their business.

If there is just one thing that is important for all eCommerce websites to know, it has to be their conversion rate. Similarly, they have to do all that they can to make sure that they improve it. If you own an eCommerce website and you are looking to generate more conversions on your website, this article contains tips that you can use to boost your conversion rate.

  1. Know your audience and their needs

It might be very challenging for you to understand your customers fully. This is why most new products in the market find it hard to attract shoppers. The primary reason why many products fail in the market is that they are made to answer some exciting questions. However, in reality, the product’s goal should be to meet the needs of the customers. To be a successful eCommerce business and avoid failed products, here are some tips and best practices that you should try out.

  • Know the previous purchasing habits of the customers. You can do using a web analytics service or use the business’ data management system.
  • Try and request customer feedback and conduct surveys. Many sources can help you do this like phone calls, online chat support, email, feedback forms on the website, etc.
  • Develop your ideal buyer persona.
  • Research the emerging customer trend. There are good options that you can use to help you discover emerging trends with customers. Typical examples are SimilarWeb PRO and Google Trends. Being able to ride with the tides is massive for your business.
  • Improve your customer relationship. One of the ways for you to do this is to offer your customers personalized experiences. According to an Epsilon report, four in five or 80% of online shoppers are likely to buy from a brand offering their customers a personalized experience. The most basic form of doing this is using the customer’s first name in your marketing messages or during your campaigns.
  1. Remove the eCommerce sales barrier.

When it comes to optimizing conversion rates, you must remove all barriers capable of preventing prospects from buying your products. There are many things to do to ensure this, and some of these are:

  • Employ the best practices in your website design, such as mobile-friendliness, compelling visuals, call to actions, etc.
  • Simplify the process of checking out and website navigation.
  • Make sure the website is fast.
  • Ensure that you have a consistent message throughout the website to buy their trust.
  • Highlight deals and sales on items attract a high number of shoppers.
  • Include testimonials and product reviews on the website irrespective of whether they are bad. It helps in the trust-building process.
  1. Optimize your list of keywords constantly

You can use numerous tools for researching and optimization of keywords. A popular one is the Google search console. It is a built-in webmaster tool capable of offering several keywords with opportunities in one of its sections.

Another tool is the Keyword Generator Tool, which can help you uncover the number of people searching for your products or brand from any country at a particular time. One unique feature that this tool has is the ability to show detailed analysis of internet searches currently trending. This includes;

  • A keyword traffic volume
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • The leading domain of every keyword
  • Yearly trend
  • Breakdown of paid and organic traffic

This tool can also help you measure your keyword’s performance compared to some of your main competition. A significant metric in the section for keyword competitors are:

  • The competitor’s domain
  • The website affinity
  • Global ranks
  • Categories
  1. Focus on channels and pages bringing the most conversion

Most traffic for a large number of successful retailers today is gotten from quite a few pages. You have to ignore a significant portion of the long-tailed pages. To increase your sales online, you must focus on those channels and pages that give you the highest conversion rates.

Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics are two platforms capable of tracking your website’s traffic and give you insights helping you know the performance of your top pages. Other tools can help you discover some other pages that are performing well and trending on your website. Then you can focus your advertising efforts and A/B testing on these pages.

If one particular page has a high number of conversion rates and traffic, you have to add a banner or link to easy navigation from the homepage of your website to that particular page.

Once you find out which of your website pages help you generate a high number of sales, you can choose the marketing channels that are performing the most for you. Some of these marketing channels include:

  1. Organic search – search engine traffic
  2. Direct – traffic that you get from bookmarks directly.
  3. Referrals or affiliate sales
  4. Paid searches
  5. Display ads
  6. Emails
  7. Social media platforms and networks such as Instagram and Facebook.
  1. Constant tests

An essential practice in digital marketing is to test your methods and techniques regularly. You can’t have a flawless investment, and you can’t be successful by trying to avoid errors. The first thing you will do when it comes to making decisions is to make sure that you back it with hard data.

An effective way to get actionable data is by A/B testing. This research method has to do with making little changes to the user experience, which helps you analyze and collect data set from customers and prospects. Some of the things that you can use A/B testing are:

  • Color of banner ads or CTA buttons.
  • Copywriting that is used for promotions, headlines, and subheadlines, price listings, etc.
  • Highlighting or grouping the models of crucial pricing
  • To remove links and navigation from your website landing pages.
  • To play with the layout of email design and different landing pages.

You might also want to try out A/B testing for control groups. This has to do with the percentage of visitors on your website or your email subscribers who do not receive any variations.


Generating more conversions in eCommerce is the only way to survive as a business and to grow as well. You must know your conversion rate and the best ways to improve it.


Generating higher conversions leads to growth for the business. There are many steps that you can take to increase your conversions.

Author’s Bio

James Murphy is an assignment writer at James writes about a wide range of other topics, such as technologies and digital marketing. James is a father of two lovely toddlers and a dedicated supporter of the New York Yankees.


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