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IMAC Scholarship Fund

imac-logo-largeOver $2 million raised

$ 1.3 million paid in scholarships

$ 370,000 earmarked for future students

Educating Cayman

Since 1994, the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC) has been educating young Caymanians through its Educational Scholarship Trust Fund.  A needs-based scholarship, it is available to students pursuing any course of study.  The IMAC Scholarship has raised over $2 million, and has sent 24 Caymanian students to complete post-secondary education.

Applications are considered for any course of study at an accredited university, as long as the applicant has met the required academic criteria and has been accepted into their programme of choice.  The only requirement other than maintaining requisite grade-point averages is that the students return to Cayman to pursue careers in their respective fields.  The merits of each applicant are considered, with an emphasis on the availability of alternative financial backing.  Preference is given to those students who might not be able to pursue their career goals without outside support. The financial package offered is significant – US $36,000 annually – and is intended to cover the majority of the cost of tertiary education, giving scholars the opportunity to focus on their studies and gain as much as possible from their academic experiences.


The directors of the Fund are:

John Pitcairn, Artex

Linda Haddleton, Kane

Rob Leadbetter, USA Risk

Merta Day, Sports Coordinator for Women, Cayman Islands Government

Mike Bowerman, retired headmaster of Cayman Prep and High School

For more information please go to:




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