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Immigration Reform presentation planned in WB Tue (8)

Immig policy reformGovernment is planning a series of town hall meetings throughout the Cayman Islands to help constituents and residents understand the proposals being made in Immigration Reforms. Also to be discussed are employment initiatives under way to get jobs for Caymanians.

An Immigration amendment bill was submitted to the Legislative Assembly on Friday, 20 September 2013, as the first phase of the reform of the Immigration Policy of the Cayman Islands.

The first meeting will be held in the District of West Bay at 7pm Tuesday, 8th October, 2013, at the John A. Cumber School Hall.

A second in a series of town hall meetings has been set for 7.30pm Thursday, 10 October, 2013 at Elmslie United Church.

Meetings in the remaining Districts will be announced as dates are set.

The public is urged to attend.



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