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In uncertain times staff look to ICCI for college degrees

Finance major Davin Barrett and MBA student Melisa Bent-Hamilton attend ICCI to stay competitive in the job market.

As businesses continue to struggle in a shaky economy, it is critical that staff have top-notch skills to stay competitive. With the fall quarter at the International College of the Cayman Islands starting in mid-September, this is the perfect time for managers and human resource professionals to look at their employee rosters for good candidates to go back for their associate’s and bachelor’s degrees or an MBA.

“So many people have full-time jobs and are busy raising families so they don’t think they have time to go back to college,” says ICCI Admissions Director Lisa Wood. “And if they have been out of school a few years, they may think they can’t do it. But we have so many students who are doing it, who are earning their bachelor’s degrees and MBA’s and, at the same time, they are holding onto their jobs and some are even getting promotions, which is a big deal in this economy.”

Even in an environment of cut backs, managers are approaching individual employees and asking them to brush up on their computer, writing or presentation skills. There are a number of courses on ICCI’s fall schedule that address these key areas. One course can make a big difference in an employee’s professional level and help motivate that person to reach further because of ICCI’s academic culture.

“The college programme at ICCI is at night, so students can takes their classes at 5.30 or 7.50 pm that fit around their work schedule,” she added. “And since much of the student body are in their 30s, 40s and 50s, many mature adults feel comfortable in class because it is an academic atmosphere that caters to their needs.”

Another surprise is how affordable ICCI’s tuition is, particularly since it is U.S.-accredited and how readily accepted ICCI degrees are at international firms and other universities. The cost of getting an associate’s degree is about $10,000 and about $20,000 for a bachelor’s degree. Taking one course in the undergraduate programme is just $400, which is a fantastic value considering ICCI is U.S.-accredited and how expensive it is to attend university abroad.

“Some students say they don’t think they can afford it, but if they come in and they are serious about furthering their careers, we can work with them on a plan to help them do it,” says Ms. Wood.

Recently, two graduates from ICCI recently got admitted into Nottingham Law School because of ICCI’s accreditation. ICCI graduates consistently rank high on their comprehensive exams compared to more then 30,000 graduates from other well-respected accredited universities.

For a list of ICCI courses contact Lisa Wood at 947 1100 or [email protected].



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