iNews Briefs
Derek Haines achieves his six4hospice challenge in Cayman Islands Marathon
Cayman Islands veteran marathon man, Derek Haines (66) was applauded loudly as he crossed the line in 34th place overall in a time of 3:58:25 at the Intertrust Cayman Islands Marathon.
More importantly he achieved his $1M Cayman HospiceCare challenge that reached $1,030,200 with some more to come to build a new home for Hospice in Camana Bay.
This was his sixth marathon and Chris Duggan, the chairman of Cayman HospiceCare, was left speechless but thrilled at Haines’ achievement.
Haines was also congratulated by Cayman Islands Governor Helen Kilpatrick who crossed the finish line with him along with his wife Helen, daughter Lizzie (who also ran the marathon) and Cynthia Hew (his training partner).
Caribbean virus warning extended
By Phil Davies From Travel Weekly
Travellers to the Caribbean are being urged to take steps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes to prevent catching the chikungunya virus.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued an updated travel advisory covering many Caribbean islands.
It warned of confirmed cases of chikungunya, which is spread by mosquitoes, and that the number of reported cases in the region is increasing.
Symptoms of the disease include fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, muscle pain, rash and joint pain. There is no specific anti-viral treatment for the infection.
Cases have been confirmed in Barbados, the Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Dominica, St Lucia, Jamaica, Guyana, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname, according to the FCO.
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Cayman Islands Premier announces his appointee to Electoral Boundary Commission
Electoral Boundary Commission statement to the Legislative Assembly
By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA
8 December, 2014
Madam Speaker,
As you are aware, on 10 September, 2014, I moved a motion on behalf of the Progressives-led Administration in the Legislative Assembly seeking inter alia, the establishment of an Electoral Boundary Commission to carry out the work necessary to divide the Cayman Islands into single member electoral districts. The motion was successful.
Madam Speaker, the Government Motion invited the Governor to appoint the EBC with sufficient time to have the changes effected in time for the 2017 General Elections. The Governor has accepted the invitation and sent letters to myself and the Leader of the Opposition, inviting us to each recommend one person to be a member of the Electoral Boundaries Commission.
I have advised Her Excellency that Ms Adrianne Webb should be appointed to the Commission in accordance with Section 88 (2) (b) of the Cayman Islands Constitution Order 2009 and I hope the Leader of the Opposition will advise the Governor of his nominee shortly.
I expect that the Governor will shortly make an announcement regarding the establishment of the Electoral Boundary Commission and that appointment of the chairman.
Thank you.
Ecopetrol announces first hydrocarbon discovery in deep waters of the Colombian Caribbean
- The Orca-1 well is located in the Tayrona block. The partners are Petrobras (operator with 40%), Ecopetrol (30%) and Repsol (30%).
- Drilling reached a depth of 4,243 meters and confirmed an accumulation of natural gas.
Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC; TSX: ECP) announces the discovery of
hydrocarbons in the exploratory Orca-1 well, located 40 kilometers north of the coast of Guajira province. This is the first discovery in deep waters of the Colombian Caribbean.
The Orca-1 well was drilled within the Tayrona block and has as its operating companyPetrobras, with a 40% stake, in partnership with Ecopetrol (30%) and Repsol (30%). The Tayrona block was the first contract granted in 2004 by the National Hydrocarbons Agency(Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos) for exploration
in the Colombian Caribbean.
The well reached the expected depth of 13,910 feet(4,243 meters), in water depth of 2,211 feet (674 meters). Drilling was completed in September and showed the accumulation of natural gas at a depth of 12,000 feet (3,657 meters).
Orca-1’s results confirm the hydrocarbon potential of this Colombian frontier basin and demonstrate the capacity of the petroleum system in the deep part of the offshore basin.
Following completion of this phase of exploration and initial tests, in-depth technical studies will begin to determine gas potential of the discovery.
Ecopetrol is currently a participating partner in 13 offshore blocks in the Colombian Caribbean.
A drilling campaign is planned for this basin that will include two wells in 2015 and two or three additional wells in 2016 with its partners.
Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia and is integrated into the oil chain; it is among the 50 major oil companies in the world and among the four main ones in Latin America. Besides Colombia – where it generates over 60% of the national production – it is present in exploration and production activities in Brazil, Peru & US (Gulf of Mexico). Ecopetrol owns the largest refinery in Colombia and most of the pipeline and multi-product pipeline network in the country, and is significantly increasing its participation in bio-fuels.
Cayman Islands Rotary Club announce music winners
Rotary Central’s 19th Annual Music Extravaganza Winners
Winners of Rotary Central’s 19th Annual Music Extravaganza 29 Nov, 2014
1st prize $40,000.- Jamie Preuss, Seller: Karl Preuss. Ticket #4024
2nd prize $4,000. – Rosemary Inniss, Seller: William Inniss. Ticket #1584
3rd prize (1) $1,000. – Orlando Swoby, Seller: R. Coleman. Ticket #9701
3rd prize (2) $1,000. – Hector Robinson, Seller: Phyllis Moxam. Ticket #7545
3rd prize (3) $1,000. – Carlito Fernandez, Seller: not indicated. Ticket #5584
3rd prize (4) $1,000. – Lisa Small, Seller: Kess Linwood. Ticket #9224
3rd prize (5) $1,000. – Howard Green, Seller: Carlos Ebanks. Ticket #3095
3rd prize (6) $1,000. – Shirley Rice, Seller: Dave Phipps. Ticket #4140
Huawei sells 5 mln phones in Northern LatAm, Caribbean in Q3
Friday 5 December 2014 | 13:12 CET | News Share on twitter Share on facebook From telecompaper
Huawei sold 5 million phones in the North of Latin America region in the third quarter of the year, Portafolio reports, citing Huawei Colombia product manager Ricardo Triana. The region includes Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and the Caribbean. The executive said that Colombia accounted for 20 percent of total sales in the region in Q3. Huawei recently said that it aims to open 20 stores across Colombia. On 10 December, the Chinese company will open its first store in capital Bogota.
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Cayman Islands judge throws out drug case after retrial
Danien Cecil Henry (33), a Jamaican National, who had been found guilty in his absence of drug trafficking had his retrial stopped by the judge because of lack of evidence.
Henry had escaped from a George Town police station before his first trial in 2009 and began serving an 11-year sentence after he was recaptured in 2013.
Henry was accused of supplying more than 20 cocaine pellets in 2008 to a witness, Dean Bailey, who had swallowed and transported them to the Cayman Islands from Jamaica and he himself was arrested and sentenced to 3 ½ years imprisonment.
It was Bailey who was the sole witness against Henry.
Henry obtained a successful appeal against his sentence and the court ordered a retrial.
Judge Malcolm Swift found the evidence supplied by Bailey against Swift was full of inconsistencies and could not be relied on. He therefore threw out the case and directed the jury to acquit, following a no case submission.
Environmental Resource Center’s benefits set sail on week long Caribbean Cruise
CARY, N.C., Dec. 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Environmental Resource Center, an environmental, safety, and transportation consulting firm in Cary, NC, is making big strides, not only for their customers and the environment, but also for their employees.
For the third year in a row, Environmental Resource Center employees and their families will be setting sail on an expenses paid week long Caribbean cruise to Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and San Juan.
The annual cruise is just one of the benefits Environmental Resource Center offers its employees. For the past three years, employees have received an average of 18.4% of their salaries in profit sharing, which is well above the 4% national average. In addition, employees receive a 50% match of the first 6% on their 401 K plans, health insurance, and wellness benefits.
The firm, which was founded in 1981 by Brian Karnofsky, has grown from a one-man consulting firm to over 25 employees in five states. The firm’s clients include many of the top Triangle companies, such as GSK, SAS, UNC, EPA, Burt’s Bees, and Biogen IDEC as well as Volvo, Dominion Power, Chevron, Merck, John Deere, Corning, Columbia University, Marathon Petroleum, and the Walt Disney Co.
Rotary Club announces Vocational Service Awards of outstanding Caymanians
On the 25th of November 2014 Rotary Central recognized Raymond Scott of Cayman Brac and RCIPS Cpl. Miguel McFarlane for their exceptional contributions to their Vocation and the community.
A Rotary Central Press Release said of Officer McFarlane “His pleasant smile and willingness to help anyone who looks for any kind of assistance is welcomed”, and of Scott, he is “certainly known if you listen to any of the talk shows.”
Both men were nominated by Rotarian Kent Eldermire, a member of Rotary Central.
Rotary Central is part of Rotary International, a global association of Rotary clubs with a common mission to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
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Azmin mum on bible stamping
By Rahmah Ghazali From The Star
KAJANG: Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali has chosen to keep mum on a fresh allegation of a warning stamp on Bahasa malaysia and Iban bibles that were returned to Bibles Society of Malaysia (BSM) last month.
Met by reporters after attending a function at a Kajang Holy Family Church here Sunday, Azmin merely said the matter has been resolved.
“It’s been resolved, do not cause provocation,” said Azmin briefly before leaving the premises.
A news portal had reported that the bibles were stamped with a warning in Malay, prohibiting the bibles to be distributed in Selangor in line with the state enactment.
In English, it reads: “Strictly for non-Muslims usage only and shall not be published or used in any part of the state of Selangor pursuant to section 9 (1) Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Amongst Muslims) Enactment 1988”.
Quoting sources, the report said the national-level Christian bodies did not know of the stamping until after the Bibles were handed over.
In January, Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had raided BSM’s premises in Petaling Jaya and seized 321 bibles on the grounds that it contravened a 1988 Selangor enactment, which prevents the non-Muslims from using the word ‘Allah’.
The bibles were finally returned to BSM last month, before they were released to Sarawak Christians.
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Will Virgin Cruises crash party for Carnival, others?
By Marilyn Alva, Investor’s Business Daily
Cruising waters are about to get a little more crowded as a new, high-profile cruise line plans to horn in on established Miami-based operators Carnival (NYSE:CCL), Royal Caribbean Cruises (NYSE:RCL) and Norwegian Cruise Line (NASDAQ:NCLH).
Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson announced Thursday that his company, with backer Bain Capital, plans to “shake up the cruise industry” with the start of Virgin Cruises, to be based out of the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.
Two new cruise ships are planned initially to serve cruise guests who “deserve something better and different,” stated Tom McAlpin, who will lead Virgin Cruises as its CEO. He formerly was president of Disney Cruise Line and most recently CEO of The World, Residences at Sea.
Should Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian be worried? If they are, they have around three years to strategize over Virgin’s move into their turf.
That’s about how long it would take for a new ship to be delivered, noted Robin Farley, an analyst with UBS.
Despite obvious concerns about a new entrant’s impact on the cruise market, especially in the crowded Caribbean, Farley says Virgin’s entry might actually be a positive. It would attract more attention to the cruise market — and more passengers for everyone, she noted.
She pointed out that Disney’s entrance into the cruise market years ago was a concern but ended up as “a big positive for the industry” because it raised awareness of cruising as a vacation option. That was especially true for first-timers, who were likely to become repeat customers, often on other cruise lines.
After first-timers try Virgin, they might want to try a different itinerary next time around — “which means going to a different brand,” Farley wrote in a research note Thursday.
“While Virgin is not the powerhouse vacation brand that Disney is, we still believe it would attract more attention to the cruise market than the capacity it will represent,” she said.
Carnival, the biggest, is finally on smoother waters after three straight years of falling profit; earnings are expected to grow 19% this year. Norwegian and Royal Caribbean have been doing better. All three stocks have been steaming ahead since mid-October.
IBD rates the stock of Norwegian, the smallest cruise operator of the three, the highest, with a Composite Rating of 97 out of 99, based on stock price, earnings and other metrics. Royal Caribbean has an 88, Carnival a 73.
OAS launches workshop on drug treatment courts in the Caribbean
The Organization of American States (OAS) has [Dec 5] inaugurated the third and final two-day regional training workshop on the Monitoring and Evaluation of Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Participants in the workshop organized by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the OAS, included judicial, health and drug treatment officials from Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Canada, including the Chief Justices of Belize and Barbados.
Adriel Brathwaite, Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs of Barbados, opened the workshop highlighting his country’s investment in the drug treatment court program, “to save our young people.” The Attorney General expressed his gratitude for the support from the Government of Canada and the United States to the OAS Drug Treatment Court program, while also expressing the view that the countries, including Barbados, should take responsibility for the initiative within their countries.
The OAS representative in Barbados, Francis McBarnette, noted that the training provides DTC teams in the country with an important resource, as monitoring and evaluation are crucial to the process of implementing DTCs.
The High Commissioner of Canada to Barbados and the OCES, Richard Hanley, said his country is pleased to fund this project given that DTCs help to provide an alternative to incarceration for drug-dependent abusers, and also to reduce crime, recidivism and overpopulation in prisons, which is one of the biggest problems in Barbados. “It is not only a public health issue, but also one of criminal justice.”
For his part, the Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States to Barbados, Aruna Amirthanayagam, said that his country is pleased to support the program along with Canada.
Angela Crowdy, the Assistant Executive Secretary of CICAD, stressed the importance of monitoring and evaluation, which is a priority for CICAD, in order to strengthen and expand the DTC program across the Hemisphere “generating evidence which will allow us to demonstrate, over time, that the objectives have been achieved.”
CICAD plans to complete a Manual for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Drug Treatment Courts by February, 2015. This will include an external evaluation of the project as a whole, so that findings can benefit the execution of future activities and related policy decisions.
For more information, please visit the OAS Website at
Expedia: Curacao sees increase in demand from Brazil, Germany
From Caribbean Journal
The Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao is finding success from new markets, according to a new report from Expedia.
While the US remains the largest source market for the country, followed by the Netherlands, demand grew by more than 90 percent from Brazil in the first three quarters of 2014.
Demand from the source market of Germany increased by 50 percent in the same period, with overall demand on Expedia to Curacao rising nearly 20 percent.
“While the United States and the Netherlands continue to play a vital role in shaping Curacao’s tourism landscape, Brazil and Germany have emerged this year as demand drivers due to increased connectivity within the region,” said Demetrius Canton, director of lodging partner services for the Caribbean at Expedia Group.
Over the first three quarters of 2014, Curacao’s tourism arrivals were down by 0.2 percent for the year, according to data from the Caribbean Tourism Organization, with an 18.6 percent drop from the US market and a 5.6 percent increase from the European market.
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Cuba and Caribbean pay homage to independence hero and internationalist fighters
From acn
Havana—Cuban President Raul Castro presided over on Saturday a ceremony to commemorate the 118 anniversary of the fall in action of Independence leader Antonio Maceo and to pay homage to Cuban internationalists fighters.
Several heads of state and representatives of Caribbean countries, wo are in Havana to participate at the 5th Cuba-Caricom Summit, attended the tribute-paying ceremony at the Cacahual Mausoleum that treasures the remains of the independence hero to the west of the city capital.
Several generations of Cubans paid homage to General Maceo and to those who gave their lives for the independence of Africa.
In remarks to participants, Jamaica´s Prime Minister Portia Simpson praised the struggle waged by the Cuban people for freedom and for the independence of other nations. Simpson also stressed, on behalf of the Caribbean Community, the role of Cuba´s independence heroes.
The Jamaican premier referred to the support and cooperation offered by Cuba to other countries in need, and its regional integration efforts.
Cuban vice-president Salvador Valdes thanked the Caribbean Community for its support of Cuba in its efforts to achieve regional integration in the benefit of all. A day like today serves to reaffirm that patriotism and internationalism will exist for ever and a proof of this is the joint efforts by the Caribbean Community and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas in the fight against Ebola, Valdes said.
Stafford and Marilyn Burrowes are Jamaica Observer Business Leaders 2013
From Jamaica Observer
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Stafford and Marilyn Burrowes, of Dolphin Cove are the Jamaica Observer Business Leader 2013 winners.
The Burrowes received the award from Jamaica Observer chairman, Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart and deputy chairman and chief executive officer, Adam Stewart a short while ago at the prestigious Awards ceremony held at the Jamaica Pegasus in Kingston.
“We’re just trying to inspire a nation,” Adam Stewart told attendees at the ceremony. “A country is built on a multitude of businesses…if businesses do well then the country will ultimately do well,” he added.
Stafford and Marilyn won the approval over a list of nominees, whose stories were published in the Observer over the past few weeks.
Nominees this year are business owners who have listed their companies on the Junior Stock Exchange (JSE).
Other nominees were John Mahfood, Jamaican Teas; Oliver Townsend, Knutsford Express; Marcus James, Access Financial Services Ltd; Mark Hart, Caribbean Producers Jamaica Ltd; Derrick Cotterell, Derrimon Trading Company Ltd; and Carol and Christopher Clarke, Caribbean Cream ‘Kremi’ Ltd.
Longtime executives promoted to lead Celebrity, Royal Caribbean
By Jerry Limone From Travel Weekly
Michael BayleyRoyal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCCL) has named Michael Bayley president and CEO of Royal Caribbean International, transferring to the company’s largest brand from the helm of Celebrity Cruises.
Lisa Lutoff-Perlo replaces Bayley as Celebrity’s president and CEO, promoted from her position as Royal Caribbean’s executive vice president of operations.
Each executive has 30 years of experience in the industry.
Bayley had Lisa Lutoff-Perlobeen Celebrity’s president and CEO since July 2012. At that time, Bayley had been promoted from his position as Royal Caribbean’s executive vice president of operations, and Lutoff-Perlo was promoted to replace Bayley.
The top spot at Royal Caribbean International had been vacant since April, when Adam Goldstein was promoted to president and COO of the parent company.
In a statement, RCCL said Bayley “delivered strong results” at Celebrity “while building the company’s ‘modern luxury’ positioning, which resonated successfully with Celebrity’s sophisticated customer base.”
RCCL said Lutoff-Perlo “played a critical role in the recent successful launch of Quantum of the Seas.”
CARICOM-Cuba Summit seeks strategies to strengthen mechanism
Havana, Dec 8 (Prensa Latina) The 5th Summit of the Community of Caribbean States (CARICOM) and Cuba will focus on an agenda of strategies aimed at strengthening the exchange mechanism.
Cooperation agreements in the fields of health care and education will be the main issues to be discussed by the heads of States and representatives from 14 Caribbean countries that, along Cuba, are participating in this integration mechanism.
The summit, being held at Havana’s Palace of the Revolution, is the way in which ties between the Caribbean countries and Cuba will be institutionalized, as part of a system that has been implemented since 1972.
In an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina, the president of the Caribbean Studies Chair at the University of Havana, Antonio Romero, pointed out that for Cuba, it is a pending task to strengthen economic and commercial exchange with the Caribbean region.
He noted that it is a crucial time for Cuba, due to the particularity of the process of economic and social transformations being implemented here.
Romero added there is a wide range of potentialities that has not been explored yet to diversify CARICOM-Cuba relations, especially because the Caribbean region is Cuba’s space for international insertion, which is very important due to the possibilities that the Caribbean offers to Cuba.
Another issue on the agenda is the objectives for sustainable development after 2015 on which the United Nations is working, in addition to the fight against poverty and for equality and social justice in the region.
Some of the heads of State and Government who are visiting Havana attended a solemn ceremony on Sunday to pay tribute to Cuban hero Antonio Maceo on the 118th anniversary of his death in combat and to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Operation Tribute.
In her speech, Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller noted the historic ties of friendship between Cuba and the Caribbean.
Our common history is rich and we will continue firmly besides Cuba, she assured, adding that only through dialogue, constructive and respectful interaction, friendship and love, it is possible to guarantee the progress of the Caribbean peoples.
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Caribbean nations urge US to lift ‘senseless’ Cuba embargo
By AFP From Yahoo News
Caribbean leaders urged the United States to lift its 54-year-old “senseless” embargo against Communist-ruled Cuba on Sunday as they convened in Havana for a regional summit.
The summit — bringing together the 15 CARICOM member states and Cuba — aims to increase trade and cooperation within the group and with Cuba.
“We continue to stand with Cuba on the United States embargo against Cuba,” said Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who chairs CARICOM.
“I call on President (Barack) Obama to lift that senseless, that senseless embargo now,” he added at a welcoming ceremony at the airport.
A leaders summit takes place on Monday, preceded by talks between foreign ministers Sunday.
The meeting, along with Cuba’s invitation to the Summit of the Americas in Panama in April, signals “the full integration of Cuba into the Western Hemisphere,” said Trinidad and Tobago Foreign Minister Winston Dookeran.
The United States and Cuba have lacked full diplomatic relations since 1961. In 1962, Washington imposed an economic embargo on the island, the only Communist-run country in the Americas.
The United States, which is also invited to the April summit, said it was not worried about Cuba’s participation.
“I think what we’re focused on is less on who’s invited and more on what’s discussed,” said State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf.
She has said that in Panama, Washington would concentrate on shared commitments to the collective defense of democracy and human rights.
Cayman Islands effects the Environmental Standard Air Navigation Law
From Loop News Service
The Cayman Islands have effected the overseas territories Environmental Standard for Air Navigation.
Effectively all aircraft registered, and all aircraft taking off and landing in the Cayman Islands are expected to have a valid noise certificate, that will be included in the flight manual of the plane.
This law also requires the aircraft not to land or take off if they do not have the certified emission standards.
The law has given the governor’s office powers to exempt planes, to revoke, suspend or vary noise certificates to allow operationalisation of the law in the Cayman Islands.
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Fortitude Partners advises Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean
The government-supported Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean located at the University of the West Indies opened in May. Fortitude’s brief is to help the academy project its image globally and communicate and market its training modules to the wider Caribbean and beyond.
Fortitude co-founder Paul Baverstock, who was formerly strategic comms adviser to the UK Conservative Party, told PRWeek that the consultancy was appointed following meetings with Trinidad & Tobago’s minister of foreign affairs Winston Wookeran.
“We are helping him create the communications narrative and strategy for the Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean,” said Baverstock. “The idea is to really drive radical thinking so they address some of the real problems of economic and social development in the region.”
Fortitude will also work on the Caribbean Future Forum, a major conference taking place next May under the auspices of the UN deployment programme in the region. Again, the aim is to “create some impetus behind new and radical thinking”.
Caribbean Heads of State tour Cuban National Zoo
HAVANA, Cuba, Dec 7 (acn) Heads of State or government and other personalities of the Caribbean that will attend the 5th CARICOM-Cuba Summit, toured on Sunday in this capital the National Zoo, one of the largest in the region, with 340 hectares.
The visitors, met in Havana to finalize details of the agenda of regional integration, received information about the work of the facility and the habitat of the new species donated by the Namibian government.
During the tour of the Zoo, founded over 30 years ago, Miguel Luis Abud, director of the Zoo, explained the actions carried out to encourage their reproduction and said that today there are over 120 species in areas of the park, protected and taken care of by highly qualified personnel.
The representatives of the Caribbean community attended on Sunday the political meeting and military ceremony held at El Cacahual, on the occasion of the 118th anniversary of the death of General Antonio Maceo and his assistant, Captain Panchito Gomez Toro, and also honored the martyrs of internationalist missions in African lands.
On Monday, the heads of state will meet at the Palacio de la Revolucion (Revolution Building), venue of the 5th CARICOM-Cuba Summit, to debate topics of maximum priority for the area, such as the impact of climate change, extreme poverty, financial security and the food crisis.
Bassist wins best vocalist award
From Jamaica Observer
JAMAICAN bass player Delroy ‘WormBass’ Nevin said, two years ago, he made a conscious decision to start recording as a vocalist.
That decision has paid dividends. Nevin was recently voted Best Male Roots Reggae Vocalist in the Lady Flava Radio First Anniversary Celebration and Award Show in Hartford, Connecticut.
“I have been recording since the early 1990s. But I began taking it seriously in 2012,” he told the Jamaica Observer.
To claim his title, Nevin had to ‘outclass’ the competition, which comprised Paul Wayne, Thieko, Black Ice, Tony Anthony and Natural Vibes.
“I sing all different types of genre, but I came to touch some soul,” he said.
According to the bassist, he was unable to attend the ceremony. The award, however, will be mailed to him.
He described the win as “a journey”.
“I give thanks for the win. I’ve been involved in the music business for nearly 30 years. This means more work, more studio, more tours and more music,” he said.
He said the transformation to vocalist was not a difficult one.
“Apart from playing bass, I’m a performer,” he said.
As a singer, he recorded Bring Back The Paradise featuring Beenie Man and Funky Reggae, with Cayman Islands artiste Sabrina.
“Just look out for more conscious music,” he said.
As bassist for Blaze Band, he toured with Beenie Man and was his musical director for nine years. He has tried his hands at producing.
“I produced Prophecy’s album Break Loose (2011) and It’s My Time (2005) by Everton Blender,” he said.
Currently, Nevin said he is putting together a new band called Ball A Fire. But he’ll continue to focus on making great music.
Reggae singer Sophia Brown, who secured the Best Female Lovers Rock, was among the evening’s winners.
Lady Flava Radio Network is an online radio station operating in Connecticut.
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Jamaica PM highlights historical solidarity of Cuba with the Caribbean
From The National Turk
The Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Simpson-Miller highlighted today here the historical ties of friendship between Cuba and the Caribbean, while paying tribute to Cuban heroe, Antonio Maceo in the 118 Anniversary of his death in combat.
In the Mausoleum that hold the remains of Major General and his Aide, Captain Panchito Gomez Toro, in el Cacahual (west of Havana), Simpson-Miller recognized the spirit of historical solidarity and collaboration of Cuba with the region and her country , particularly.
She stated that Maceo example, in his contribution to the Cuban independence, paved the way for the disinterested contribution Cuba gives today to the rest of the countries of the world and is particularly evidenced in its relations with the Caribbean neighbors.
Our common history is rich and continue steadfast beside Cuba, she assured, while considering that only through dialogue, constructive and respectful interaction, friendship and love is possible to ensure the progress of the Caribbean people. (PrensaLatina)