iNews Briefs & Community Events
Cayman Arts Festival Christmas Concert Dec 20 10AM St. George’s Anglican Church

Customs & Border Control Holiday Hours

WORC Holiday Hours 2019
WORC is announcing its holiday working hours, as well as dates for the remaining board meetings for this year.
WORC at Apollo House West on Mary Street will close to the public at 11:30 am Tuesday, 24 December and will reopen at 9:00 am on Friday, 27 December.
On Monday, 30 December normal hours will resume but will close again to the public at 11:30 am on Tuesday, 31 December and resume at 9:00 am on Thursday, 2 January 2020.
WORC Boards Meeting Dates:
The Work Permit Board (WPB) will have its last meeting for the year on Wednesday, 18th December 2019 and will resume meetings on Wednesday, 8th January 2020.
Cayman Status and Permanent Residency Board (CSPR) will have its last meeting for the year on Thursday, December 12th, 2019 and will resume on Thursday, January 16th, 2020.
Business Staffing Plan Board (BSPB) will have its last meeting for the year on Wednesday, 18th December 2019 and resume meetings on Wednesday, 8th January 2020.
DCI – Office Closures and Board Meeting Dates to 2020
The Department of Commerce and Investment (DCI) wishes to advise the public of its upcoming office opening hours and board meeting dates in Grand Cayman:
Office Closures:
Friday, 13 December – Offices closed at noon for staff function
Monday, 16 December – Office closed at 3:00pm for a staff function
Thursday, 19 December – Offices closed for Referendum Day
Tuesday, 24 December – Offices closed at noon for Christmas Eve
Tuesday, 31 December – Offices closed at noon for New Year’s Eve
Offices will be closed for Christmas, Boxing and New Year’s Day
Board Meeting Dates:
Liquor Licensing Board, Monday, 9 December. Next quarterly meeting will be in March 2020.
Trade and Business Licensing Board, last meeting date Tuesday, 10 December. Board reopens 15 January 2020.
Please visit or email for trade and business and other licensing information.
Cayman: DEH Bulk Waste Removal Campaign Begins
The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) commenced its annual bulk waste removal activity in the Eastern District on Saturday, 16 November 2019 and will conclude in West Bay on 20 December 2019.
The DEH Bulk waste removal schedule for the Cayman Islands is as follows:
Grand Cayman:
North Side, East End November 16-22
Bodden Town District November 23 – December 6
George Town December 7-13
West Bay December 14-20
Cayman Brac:
East (starting from Public Works) December 4
West December 6
Southside December 11
General round up December 13
Little Cayman: December 18
Please call the DEH at 949-6696 for additional information about its 2019 Bulk Waste Removal activity. Individuals may also send an email to, visit the DEH’s website at
Cayman Islands Public Holidays 2020
All public holidays for 2020, with the exception of the Queen’s Birthday holiday in June, are now confirmed.
· The Queen’s Birthday holiday is anticipated to be on Monday, 15 June but remains subject to confirmation.
· Christmas holidays take place around the weekend next year.
Grand Cayman (GIS) – The Deputy Governor’s Office has confirmed public holidays in the Cayman Islands for 2020, with the exception of the Queen’s Birthday.
The United Kingdom traditionally celebrates Her Majesty’s birthday by holding the Trooping of the Colour ceremony on the second Saturday in June. As such the public holiday in the Cayman Islands is likely to be Monday, 15 June 2020. Confirmation is expected in early 2020.
The 2020 public holidays are:
New Year’s Day: Wednesday, 1 January;
National Heroes Day: Monday, 27 January;
Ash Wednesday: Wednesday, 26 February;
Good Friday: Friday, 10 April;
Easter Monday: Monday, 13 April;
Discovery Day: Monday, 18 May;
Queen’s Birthday: Monday, 15 June (UNCONFIRMED);
Constitution Day: Monday, 6 July;
Remembrance Day: Monday, 9 November;
Christmas: Friday, 25 December; and
Boxing Day: Monday, 28 December.
List of Public Holidays for 2019
Referendum Day: Thursday 19 December
Christmas: Wednesday, 25 December; and
Boxing Day: Thursday, 26 December
DCI Brac Closure
The Department of Commerce and Investment in Cayman Brac will be closed 12 – 17 Dec.
Layman E. Scott Sr. High School Carol Service
Layman E. Scott Sr. High School Carol Service is December 17th.
CIG Gift Giving appeal
Members of the public and local businesses are invited to donate presents for the CIG Gift Giving appeal. The Christmas drive will provide Christmas presents for children, young parents and the elderly clients of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Family Resource Centre (FRC). Donors are asked to take a tag off from the Giving Tree in the public lobby of the Government Administration Building (8.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and to return with it affixed to an unwrapped present in a gift bag. The present drive brings together the former DCFS and FRC Christmas gift appeals. Launched on Monday, 9 and ending at noon on Tuesday, 17 December, the initiative is being backed by the Civil Service. Donors can take a selfie with their tag or present and share using #CIGGIVING
Bulk Waste Little Cayman
Bulk Waste will be collected in Little Cayman on December 18th
Annual Senior Citizens Quarterly Birthday and Christmas Party
The Annual Senior Citizens Quarterly Birthday and Christmas Party is December 18th at the Aston Rutty Center from 10am to 2pm.
Hillside Chapel Christmas Carol Service
The Hillside Chapel Christmas Carol Service is December 18th at 730pm.
Cayman Brac’s District Administration Office Closure
Cayman Brac’s District Administration Office will close at 12pm on December 18th.
Final Work Permit Board Meeting of 2019
The Work Permit Board (WPB) will have its last meeting for the year on Wednesday, 18th December 2019 and will resume meetings on Wednesday, 8th January 2020.
Final Business Staffing Plan Board Meeting of 2019
Business Staffing Plan Board (BSPB) will have its last meeting for the year on Wednesday, 18th December 2019 and resume meetings on Wednesday, 8th January 2020.
Needs Assessment Unit Closure
The Needs Assessment Unit will closed on Thursday (19 Dec)
Department of Vehicle and Driver’s Licensing Closure
The Department of Vehicle and Driver’s Licensing will be closed on Friday (20 Dec)
Court House Closure
The court house will close at 12pm on Friday (20 Dec)
12th Annual Mistletoe
12th Annual Mistletoe on Friday, 21 December, 7 p.m.-2 a.m at Abacus
The Christmas Dream Team Parade
The Church of God Chapel Children’s Choir presents The Christmas Dream Team Parade on Sunday (22 Dec) at 7pm at the Family Life Center.
Stake Bay Baptist Church Christmas Cantata
The Stake Bay Baptist Church Christmas Cantata is December 22nd at 7pm.
Watering Place Church of God Holiness Christmas Program and Cantata
The Watering Place Church of God Holiness Christmas Program and Cantata is December 22nd at 630pm.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
St. George’s Anglican Church is hosting Fourth Sunday of Advent on December 22 with morning prayer at 8am. The Youth Christmas presentation Blue Christmas is at 7pm.
William Pouchie Memorial United Church Christmas Cantata
The William Pouchie Memorial United Church Choir will perform its Christmas Cantata, “Come let us Adore” at 9 a.m., Sunday, 22 December, 2019, at the church. 815 North Side Road, North Side, Grand Cayman.
North Side Wesleyan Holiness Church Christmas Sunday
North Side Wesleyan Holiness Church his hosting Christmas Sunday (22 Dec) at 1030am. There will be no Sunday School that day. Kidz Klubhouse and Souled Out Youth Group Christmas Musical “A Churchmouse Christmas” will be held that night at the Craddock Ebanks Civic Centre in North Side starting at 7pm.
Sunday School Christmas Programme
The Church of God Full Gospel Hall in Savannah invites everyone to their Sunday School Christmas Program on December 22nd at 10am.
2nd Annual Spot Bay Seniors Gift Distribution and Christmas Caroling service
The 2nd Annual Spot Bay Seniors Gift Distribution and Christmas Caroling service is at 5pm at December 23rd. Call 925.3924 for more information.
Honduras Visa office Closure
The Honduras Visa office will be closed from December 23rd, re-opening on January 3rd for normal business.