International Peace Day With the Cayman Islands Family Resource Centre
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) invites the public to join it in the observance of International Peace Day today (Thursday, 21 September 2017).
International Peace Day calls for individuals to put aside their differences and promote peace at home, in schools and the community.
This year’s theme is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All”. It seeks to highlight key issues and encourage communities to focus on helping others, and create support and opportunities for all those in need of the kindness of others for survival. Everyone has the right to safety and dignity. Everyone should be willing to help others in time of need to help reduce inequality and to promote dignity.
This year, the FRC is observing peace by raising public awareness and encouraging participation in working together towards creating a society of respect, safety and dignity for all who have gone through tragic experiences. These may be due to natural disasters and will need the kindness of others for these persons and communities to survive.
The FRC suggests the following ways the public can participate in observing this special day:
- A Minute of Silence-Moment of Peace at 12 p.m: This is will be a practical act of quiet reflection. It calls for individuals, schools and organisations to participate in honouring victims who have lost their lives due to hostility or through natural disasters in the region like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
- Take part in FRC’s Facebook Challenge: For the whole day, the FRC encourages the community to take part in positive interaction by participating in a pay it forward challenge. Carry out a random act of kindness for someone and encourage others to do the same. Post comments, pictures or how you took part to the FRC’s Facebook page with the #peacedaycallengecayman2017 at
“Today’s observance is a wonderful opportunity for us all to consciously promote peace, to take time out of our busy schedules to do a random act of kindness and to reflect on the victims of this active hurricane season,” said the Minister of Health, Environment, Culture & Housing, Hon. Dwayne Seymour.
For further information contact [email protected] or call 949-0006.