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Invest 93L In The Northwestern Gulf Of Mexico Is Not Expected To Develop, It Will, However, Contribute To A Heavy Rain & Severe Weather Threat Across The Eastern United States On Tuesday; Invest 92L Is Also Not Expected To Develop

Written by Rob Lightbown of Crown Weather on September 17th, 2012

An area of low pressure, which is designated Invest 93L, was located over the northwestern Gulf of Mexico this morning. This low pressure system is not expected to develop due to very strong upper level winds on the order of 60 to 70 mph. This low pressure system is expected to move onshore onto the Louisiana coastline late tonight or during Tuesday morning. Invest 93L is expected to feed abundant amounts of moisture into a cold front that will sweep across the eastern United States on Tuesday. The combination of this cold front and Invest 93L will bring heavy rainfall on the order of 1 to 3 inches across much of the eastern United States on Tuesday. Additionally, severe weather is a good possibility on Tuesday from much of North Carolina northeastward to southern New York state and southwestern New England.

Invest 92L which is located about 200 miles to the east of the Windward Islands is void of any thunderstorm activity this morning. I do not expect tropical development from this system due to unfavorable upper level winds. Additionally, none of the global forecast guidance forecasts any sort of development from it. Nevertheless, I will keep an eye on Invest 92L, especially when it reaches the western Caribbean late this week where climatology says we should look for development.

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