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Is this is a good advert for Cayman?

Sent to us by a reader with the following tag:

“Smart’s land bought for $6m two and a half years ago. What a joke.”

Surely the bill board hoarding should be removed and/or the land tidied up? – Colin Wilson


  1. The purchase of this land by the government has been an extraordinary waste of money. It started in November 2021. The government then removed the income generating property without planning permission. even more. They built a fence to keep everyone out. Why is that?
    This land on the sea can be used by both residents and tourists alike. Government is hell bent on buying land on the sea and then do nothing. They never finish projects. A great example is the road they started five years ago to go from North Church Street to Eastern Avenue. The centre of town is a complete mess and likely to be so for months.


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