K2M can now market Cayman minimally invasive in the USA
K2M has announced it has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA to market Cayman minimally invasive, which it says is the latest addition to its Cayman product family of plate systems that already feature Cayman anterior, Cayman buttress and Cayman lateral.
According to a press release, the Cayman plate systems provide a “simplified solution” to address fractures, tumours, and degenerative conditions in the anterior and lateral spinal column. The press release adds that Cayman minimally invasive is a single-level, lateral plate designed to offer surgeons a “truly minimally invasive surgical option”. The low-profile, four screw construct features K2M’s proprietary tifix locking technology (a plate-screw locking technology whereby each screw head forms an autogenic lock to the plate upon insertion, requiring no additional locking mechanism). Additionally, the biased plate screw holes allow for screw angulation of 15 degrees normal to the plate.
Used in conjunction with K2M’s Ravine lateral access system, which provides a dual flat blade platform for a less invasive muscle-splitting transpsoas approach, Cayman minimally invasive allows surgeons to preserve the position of the lateral implant and insert the plate without repositioning the Ravine retractor.
Clifford Douglas, neurosurgeon (Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, USA), says: “The Cayman minimally invasive lateral plate offers surgeons a truly minimally invasive and streamlined technique to perform a lateral lumbar fusion.”