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Kidnapped British woman freed in Somalia

Judith Tebbutt

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A British tourist snatched by Somali gunmen from a resort island in Kenya was freed on Wednesday after more than six months in captivity, Britain’s Foreign Office said.

Judith Tebbutt was taken in September. Gunmen killed her husband, David Tebbutt, during the attack.

Tebbutt told Britain’s ITV in Somalia that she was relieved to be released after such a long time in captivity. She said she is in good health and slept well during the kidnapping. She got sick three times but was given medication and healed each time.

She said her captors made her “feel as comfortable as possible.”

“The circumstances — with my husband passing away — made it harder,” she told ITV. “I’m just happy to be released and I’m looking forward to seeing my son who successfully secured my release. I don’t know how he did it, but he did which is great.”

An official with the Somali militia Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama who asked not to be named said a ransom was paid to pirates for Tebbutt’s release. No figure was given. Pirates have long earned multi million dollar ransoms for taking ships and crew hostage. Families of individual hostages or hostage families have reportedly paid far less.

Britain’s Foreign Office said: “Our priority now is to get her to a place of safety.” Tebbutt was expected to fly to Kenya on Wednesday.

“We are so pleased to hear of her release. The prime minister was actively engaged in and pressured elders for negotiations to release her.”


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