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Letter to the Editor

Letter-to-Ed-imageApology and withdrawal of a Letter by Peter Binose

Peter Binose, London

6/10/2015 4:41 PM

Dear Readers,

It is with deep regret that I inform you that the letter which I wrote, and asked iNews Cayman to post for me, was deeply flawed and contained a number of incorrect and untrue statements.

On Monday June 8 2015 at 2.03 pm London time which is 9.03am in Kingstown SVG I wrote a letter from London entitled “Open letter to the Vincentian Newspaper” which I emailed to the Editor of the Vincentian Newspaper at the times stated. In that letter I accused and stated as fact that the Vincentian Newspaper had not made any reference to the matter of the Garifuna and Arnhim Eustace. That which I wrote about on that subject was totally untrue. I also wrote some rude and disparaging remarks for which I apologize and withdraw. From the date and time of my emailed copy of my letter I never received a reply or comment from or by the Vincentian, or any request to withdraw it or change and correct the content. Still up to the moment of writing this communiqué I have had no contact with or from the Editor of the Vincentian and no complaint whatsoever from them.

They have apparently complained to one of the online media sites who posted it, who promptly and correctly brought it to my attention today with a rebuke.

This matter came about because I asked a lady in SVG to buy the three papers for me from SVG and read the headlines to me at the telephone. When she read the Vincentian headlines to me there was no reference to the Garifuna matter that was raging in SVG. I then asked her to read the paper from front to back and tell me which page any reference appeared on. Later she informed me it didn’t appear anywhere in the newspaper.

After my enquiries of today it turns out that she went to the shop and picked up three newspapers, unbeknown to her the shopkeeper had not received that Friday’s news paper at that time. But what he had done was left out several copies of the previous weeks Vincentian, that is what she picked up and paid for, no warning from the shopkeeper. So what she read to me was the previous weeks paper.

Of course I realize that ignorance to the fact is no excuse in law, despite the fact that it goes towards mitigating circumstances.

Had I have looked at the Vincentian on line I would have not made this mistake, and had the Vincentian responded and complained to me within the couple of days before it was posted anywhere on line, I could have stopped it appearing.

But regardless of that I wish it known that I unequivocally apologize for the content of that letter to the Vincentian, I also apologize to any media that posted it.


Peter Binose.

EDITOR: The offending Letter (subject above) sent to iNews Cayman has been deleted from our website.


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