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Looking for Representation?

From The ISA

Final Deadline Aug 8th

To Apply Click HERE

Looking for representation or to connect with working directors or producers? 

For nineteen seasons, the ISA Fast Track Fellowship has been the premiere screenwriting program for writers on the rise. Fellows have signed with major agencies like CAA, Paradigm and ICM. Many have been introduced to and then signed with management companies or had their scripts optioned, leading to development deals. Plus, our Fellows are invited onto the ISA Development Slate! Past seasons’ general meetings have been with writers, producers, directors and execs from WandaVisionDear White PeopleTed Lasso, LA LA Land, Whiplash, Harriet and What Women Want. 
  Final Deadline Aug 8th 

Top Rated Feedback Available With Entry

To Apply Click HERE

© 2024 International Screenwriters’ Association All Rights Reserved.

8581 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90069


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