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Maples staff raise funds for Cayman’s ARK

MFS ChequeThe staff at Maples and Calder was so touched by the stories of two local children recently diagnosed with cancer that they took it upon themselves to find a way to help.


Both children require frequent visits to Miami for various treatments, tests and check-ups; the costs for which their families are struggling to meet.


After first learning of the children’s situations through Cayman’s ARK, the Maples Corporate Services department decided to raise funds by organising an internal bake sale.


A variety of homemade cakes, cookies, scones, crumbles, bars and other tasty treats were baked and donated by team members for the event on 15 July. Many purchased the goods, while others helped (and preserved their waist lines) through cash donations, and one generous individual even donated enough air miles for each child to make a return trip to Miami. In total, the Maples team raised CI$2,025.


Tara Nielsen of Cayman’s ARK remarked, “We are surprised and ecstatic that the Maples staff was able to raise such a generous amount of funding with their bake sale. On behalf of Cayman’s ARK and the recipient families, we are sincerely grateful for their donation.”


“Maples and Calder has a strong history of supporting projects benefiting a variety of members in our society, and we are pleased to see that the community aspect of our firm culture extends to our people in their voluntary activities,” said Paul Lumsden, Managing Partner of Maples and Calder’s Cayman office.


Cayman’s ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) is a community-based, grassroots, humanitarian foundation. Since 2006 ARK has sought to make a difference ‘one life at a time’ for members of our society who face various life issues such as poverty, abuse, disease, illness, redundancy and a myriad of other sufferings.


Further information can be found at


Caption: Allison Smith and Summer LaRue of Maples and Calder present the cheque to Tara Nielsen (centre) of Cayman’s ARK



About Maples and Calder


Maples and Calder is a leading international law firm advising financial, institutional and business clients around the world on the laws of the Cayman Islands, Ireland and the British Virgin Islands. Maples and Calder has offices in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong, London and Singapore.


With a reputation as an innovative, entrepreneurial firm, Maples and Calder is known worldwide as a market leader with highly qualified lawyers who are specialists in their respective practice areas.


About MaplesFS


MaplesFS is a leading specialised fiduciary and fund services provider. MaplesFS has offices in the Cayman Islands, Delaware, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Montreal, New York and Singapore.


MaplesFS is led by a team of experienced professionals and is committed to providing a high level of service tailored to specific client requirements.



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