Merriam-Webster adds ‘tweet,’ other new words
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Here’s something for your Twitter feed: “Tweet” has earned a spot in the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary.
Used as both a noun and a verb, the word describing a post made on the online Twitter message service is among more than 100 new terms revealed Thursday for the dictionary publisher’s newest edition.
“Tweet” takes its place among newly included words that reflect everything from high-tech advances to the delicate nuances of family and social relationships.
The newcomers include overly involved “helicopter parents,” for instance, and the “boomerang child” who’s returned home in adulthood for financial reasons. Maybe he’s spending his days listening to “Americana” music, steering clear of that lonely “cougar” across the street and hanging out a lot with his best buddy, shaking off jokes that they’re in a “bromance.” And, of course, he “tweets” every detail of it.