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Minutes from Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting 16th July 2012

Attendees:- Deputy Governor; Mr. Leonard Dilbert; Mr. Stran Bodden; Mr. Eric Bush; Mrs. Stephanie Azan; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Mr. Alan Jones; Mr. Kevin McCormac Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Ms. Sonia McLaughlin; Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon; Mr. Carroll Cooper

Apologies: – Mr. Kenneth Jefferson; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn; Mr. Orrett Connor; Ms. Dorine Whittaker (off island); Mrs. Mary Rodrigues

1. Welcome

The Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered.

2. Formal Approval of Minutes

The July 9th meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

The draft Code of Conduct for Persons in Public Life in the Cayman Islands, which was prepared by the Commission for Standards in Public Life, was discussed. The Deputy Governor also circulated an email from the Manager of the Commissions Secretariat, which clarified that the Code of Conduct is intended for any public officer. The Deputy Governor asked that Chief Officers review all of the information provided for discussion at the Chief Officer’s Meeting on July 31st.

4. Budget Matters

The Deputy Governor provided an update on the preparation of the Budget and discussed some of the options provided in the Expenditure Review Committee’s Report. There were discussions in regards to cost saving initiatives considered in the Report, which can be undertaken and how each option could affect the Civil Service. The Deputy Governor will keep Chief Officer’s informed as progress is made.

5. Renewal of Employment Agreements

Chief Officer McField-Nixon brought to the Deputy Governor’s attention that employment contracts are being sent to the Portfolio of the Civil Service in an untimely manner. Chief Officers were advised that contracts will have to be submitted three months prior to their expiration. The Deputy Governor urged Chief Officers to adhere to this instruction.

6. Any Other Business

Chief Officer Bush discussed an employee-suggestion program which is to be implemented in the state of Arizona. The program seeks cost saving ideas from government employees. If an idea is implemented and results in savings, “the employee(s) will be paid 10% of the savings after execution costs”. A recent article setting out details of the program will be circulated to Chief Officers by the Deputy Governor.

The Deputy Governor mentioned the need for a mechanism for Civil Servants and the general public to report abuse of Government funds. Such a mechanism would allow reports to be made anonymously.

7. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:20pm.


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