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Mrs. Margaret Monplaisir Re-elected Chair of WIRSPA

Eight of the thirteen CARICOM@50 rum blends on display

Bridgetown, Barbados, 15 July: Margaret Monplaisir, head of St. Lucia Distillers, was given a resounding vote of confidence when she was re-elected as Chair of the umbrella body of Caribbean Rum Producers at their recently held Annual General Meeting in Barbados. Mrs. Monplaisir has been in the Chair over the past year and spearheaded the project for producers to develop a series of commemorative products to celebrate the 50th anniversary of CARICOM.

Thirteen producers in the West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers Association (WIRSPA), from virtually all rum producing CARICOM member states, released specially developed 50thAnniversary Rum Blends to celebrate the Caribbean Community’s achievements over the past 50 years. The contribution from the rum industry is part of activities wrapping up the year-long celebrations of CARICOM’s 50th anniversary. These products highlight the remarkable diversity of Caribbean rum through the common theme of the region’s accomplishments over the past 50 years. Several of the special edition rums are unique blends exclusive for this occasion and will be available only in limited quantities.

(L-R) WIRSPA Chair, Margaret Monplaisir, with WIRSPA CEO, Vaughn Renwick, and Ambassador Wayne McCook

A key focus of the meeting was also on promoting responsible drinking and reducing alcohol abuse. The producers discussed how best to support national efforts and enhance their initiatives on this critical area of concern. They also met with international stakeholders to evaluate and agree on best practices.

Additionally, producers exchanged views with Assistant Secretary-General of CARICOM, Ambassador Wayne McCook and other senior officials on ensuring strong origin rules in trade agreements, market developments, Geographical Indications (GI) negotiations with the European Union (EU) and strategies for opening new non-traditional markets for Caribbean rum.

Ambassador Wayne McCook congratulated the industry, noting that there were lessons to learn from an industry that has shown formidable resilience and innovation in an extremely competitive field. According to McCook, “the rum industry has advanced in the face of global headwinds which have laid waste other legacy industries and sectors that did not adapt and innovate – finding opportunity in adversity!”

WIRSPA Office Manager, Carolann John, presenting N. Rhett Harris with his award

Thanking producers for their continued confidence in her leadership of the grouping, ChairMonplaisir reflected that the relief efforts supported by the industry and the honouring of the CARICOM 50th anniversary were evidence of the value of working together and thanked those producers who had contributed.

Mrs. Monplaisir said, “we are lucky that the industry escaped any significant damage owing to Hurricane Beryl in the Eastern Caribbean and Jamaica, at the same time however, we recognise the impact on staff and the communities in which we operate. As a result, we spent some time discussing our individual contribution to national and regional relief efforts.”

Producers also honoured N. Rhett Harris, an icon of Caribbean rum in Barbados. Mr. Harris worked in the local rum industry for 35 years, and over the past decade he has continued to provide invaluable support to WIRSPA member distilleries across the Caribbean, and internationally.



The West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers Association (WIRSPA) is one of the oldest private sector trade associations in the Caribbean. It represents rum producers in Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Haiti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago.

Our role is to promote the development of Caribbean rum as a premium category and to represent the interests of our member associations and by extension their member companies. This includes trade facilitation, advocacy and assisting members in improving methods of production through training and development and through the work of our technical committee.
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