New beach access signs installed in Cayman Islands
The Public Lands Commission (PLC) wants to ensure that the public can easily identify beach access locations in Grand Cayman and the Sister Islands. On 24 August, the first set of 40 newly designed Public Beach Access signs were installed across Grand Cayman.
The PLC is charged with regulating the use and enjoyment of public land in the public interest and implementing the Government’s policies in respect to the regulation of public lands. As a result of the 2017 Beach Access Report released earlier this year, the PLC deemed it a high priority to install brand new signage to ensure every access point is easily located. The total number of registered public rights of way to the sea is 108 in Grand Cayman, 3 in Cayman Brac and 10 in Little Cayman. One of the initial goals of the PLC is to ensure that all registered public rights of ways for beach access have the new signage, and the PLC is developing a strategy to install new signs based on accessibility and priority locations.
“Generally speaking, proper signage that is highly visible immediately brings to the public’s eyes the physical location of any public beach access,” Rupert Vasquez, Chair of the PLC, “As such, it encourages maximum usage and the full benefits of these accesses dedicated for the general public’s enjoyment. It also sends a clear message to all that the public has full rights and can use these public beach accesses with absolute confidence and without fear.”
The NRA was contracted to order and install the newly designed public beach access signs in line with their specifications. They worked with Lands & Survey to mark the first 40 access points. This first set was selected because they were already free and clear of any obstructions. Additional signage will be installed in Cayman Brac in the coming weeks, and the PLC continues to work towards ensuring that access to other paths to the sea across the Cayman Islands will be addressed.
“As a country, we must work cooperatively with local residents and developers to ensure that the public’s right to beach access is upheld and all have access to one of our country’s greatest resources,” Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, Minister for Lands, “The Cayman Islands Government is committed to safeguarding public access to the beach for locals, residents, and visitors.”
Established under the Public Lands Law (2017), the PLC’s mandate is to regulate and protect the use, enjoyment and the right of access of public lands by members of the public; to respond to complaints regarding the use or misuse of public land; and to advise the Ministry on general policies in respect to enforcement and exercise other functions delegated to it by the Minister.
The public is reminded that the 2017 Beach Access Report is accessible and can be viewed on the Ministry’s website ( and the Lands and Survey Department’s website ( A hard-copy binder of the report is located at the Lands and Survey Department’s front counter in the Government Administration Building and at the Lands and Survey Office in Cayman Brac.
Queries and complaints regarding the Public Lands Law may be sent to the Public Land Commission at Alternatively, correspondence may be sent to the Chair of the Public Lands Commission by physical delivery to the Government Administration Building or via postal delivery to PO Box 1089, Grand Cayman, KY1-1102 Cayman Islands.