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New Eastern Districts T&R Policing

Cayman: RCIPS Announces New Eastern Districts Traffic and Roads Policing Unit

On Monday 28 March, the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit was officially expanded to include a new unit of seven police officers. The unit is being led by one sergeant, PS Joleta Wolliston, and she will have six constables working alongside her to meet the needs of Road Policing in the Eastern Districts. 

“Roads Policing is my passion. I started in the former Traffic Department only two years after I joined the service in the year 1999,” says PS Wolliston, “When the opportunity presented itself, I was eager to get back to working in the area that I am passionate about, and over the years gained expertise and knowledge, having had advanced Traffic Crash and Traffic Homicide Investigation Training during my time with the unit in the early 2000s. My interest in roads policing stems from the poor driving habits and their consequences that I have witnessed and been affected by as a young adult. I am very much looking forward to working with our communities, as we seek to make our roads safer in the Eastern Districts, through education and enforcement.”

The officers are deployed to work from Shamrock Road in the Prospect area, into the Eastern Districts of Bodden Town, North Side, and East End. They will be focusing their efforts on reducing the potential for serious and fatal collisions by prioritizing the offenses of speeding and DUI, among other offenses. 

“We are happy for the added support of these new Traffic and Roads Policing officers in the Eastern Districts,” says Area Commander, Inspector Soto, “The community has asked us to prioritise road safety and have cited speeding as one of the top concerns. I know that PS Wolliston and her team of officers will take on this task with efficiency. We hope that the public takes this as an opportunity to reflect on their driving habits and encourage others to be safe by driving within the speed limits and not drinking and driving. Your support and encouragement may save lives.” 

The TARP Unit will now have two teams, one covering West Bay and George Town, up to the Red Bay area, and the other covering the Eastern Districts. Inspector Andre Tahal will head both teams with support from the Area Commanders in West Bay and George Town as needed. 

Inspector Tahal states, “This increase in resources falls in line with our overall objective in the TARP Unit, to reduce fatal collisions, serious injuries and make our roadways safer for all road users. We are grateful to the Senior Leadership Team and the supporting teams such as Estates Management, Stores, Finance, and IT for working together to make this move and transition a smooth one.”

“The decision to assign a dedicated traffic enforcement team to the Eastern District has been a long time coming, not only because of the community concerns but also because of the driving trends and behaviours that have been recorded in the Eastern Districts,” says Commissioner Derek Byrne, “For now, the assigned officers are split into two shifts and two dedicated traffic vehicles have been assigned to provide enhanced visibility and enforcement. These vehicles are marked and are distinguishable from our other patrol vehicles. I hope that new unit will reassure the community that their concerns are being heard and actioned and we thank the community for their continued support. The effectiveness of the new unit will be reviewed over the coming weeks and months.”


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