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New OCC Own Motion Investigation

nicola-williams-complaints-commissioner-caymanGeorge Town, Grand Cayman (5 April 2013) – The Complaints Commissioner, Nicola Williams, has  launched an investigation to ascertain whether there are adequate protections or protective measures for Reporters of Wrongdoing (also known as Whistleblowers) within the Cayman Islands Government, which includes all government entities as defined in S.2(1) of the Complaints Commissioner Law 2006.

Notice of Investigation has been served on 4 April 2013 on the Deputy Governor as Head of the Civil Service, and the Attorney-General.

The Complaints Commissioner, Nicola Williams, states: “At its simplest, a Whistleblower, or Reporter of Wrongdoing, is a person who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it. This should and must be viewed in a constructive and positive way, and should be encouraged.”

“This is an issue which I have determined, in accordance with my powers under the Complaints Commissioner Law (2006 Revision), Section 11(1), that there are reasons of special importance which makes this Own Motion investigation by my Office desirable in the public interest. Whether employed by government or not, what happens in government affects us all, directly or indirectly, so if a Whistleblower is punished for doing the right thing, government maladministration will continue unchecked.”

whistleblower“The scope of the investigation will be both horizontal (across the entire Public Service, including all government entities as defined in S.2(1) of the 2006 Law – i.e., a government Ministry, government company, government department, government portfolio, statutory board or authority) and linear (from top to bottom in the hierarchy).

“Since the Cayman Islands Government has publicly stated its commitment to good governance, I expect Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC) investigators to receive full co-operation with this investigation, the Report on which is likely to be published before the end of 2013.”

Anyone with information relevant to the investigation may call the Complaints Commissioner’s Office at 943-2220.



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