Tommy Hicks to Newsmax TV: Trump Achieved More in 3.5 Years Than Biden Has in 47
By Solange Reyner From Newsmax
President Donald Trump on Thursday night showed how much he’s accomplished in just 3.5 years and how little Joe Biden has in his 47 years as a politician, said Tommy Hicks, co-chair of the Republican National Convention.
”Joe Biden’s been in Washington for 47 years. President Trump has been there for 47 months and he’s accomplished more than Joe Biden could ever dream of,” Hicks said during an appearance on Newsmax TV following the second and final presidential debate in Tennessee.
”I think Joe Biden came off as a politician – a mile wide and an inch deep and this president showed how much he’s accomplished in just 3.5 years.”
Hicks was referencing an exchange between Trump and Biden on the 1994 crime bill sponsored by then-Sen. Biden that earmarked billions for new prisons and encouraged states to keep criminals behind bars for years by offering special grants.
The legislation also instituted a federal ”three-strikes” life sentence mandate.
Biden on Thursday said his support for the bill was a ”mistake.”
Trump responded: ”You keep talking about all these things you’re going to do, but you were there just a short time ago and you guys did nothing. You know, Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama, because you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would have never run. I ran because of you.”
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1Timothy1 v1 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” ( Jer 29:7;)
key words and thoughts … that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. “There is no more to see and no more to say. Everyone knows what they need to know. These two men are extremely well-known. Fifty million Americans have voted already, and we are all exhausted from cycling through manic news cycles that are taking us nowhere new. We are sicker, poorer, lonelier, and sadder. No relief bill appears to be in sight. Businesses will close and infections will rise until we end this. We have (at least) one anxious week to go before this interminable election is over. All there is to do now is vote.”